A day I hate

To day is the 4 year anniversary of the day my stepdad took his own life. He killed himself in his truck. He took a dryer vent hose and cocked all the windows shut excpt the ones in the back of the cab. And my fucking mother still has the nerv to blame me for his death. I swear if says one more thing to me I wiil burn her alive in front of her entier family.Im pretty fucked up in the head. But i miss him so badly and I would do nething to have him back he was more of a Father than my real dad. I havnt herd from my real dad in 7 years yea he's a real mature father. I HATE MY FAMILY THEY EXPECT ME TO DO EVERY THING. AND NOW THEY TOOK ALL THE MONEY THAT i HAVE AWAY FOR COLLEGE AND ARE SPENDING IT ON SHIT THAT THEY WANT. GOD I HATE THEM SO MUCH AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. well I think thats enoughf
December 14th, 2007 at 08:36pm