So willing to be bullimic...

I don't know if this is good or not.. please read and comment?
thank you!

a grey street lined with sombre faces
of two-story houses as it accompanied
me through the lonely night as I,
the ugly one in a world of the pretty,
walked home.

Flashback of stick figures
scarred my heart again and again
I didn't know they took arts so seriously,
so willing to be bullimic or anorexic
just to be a beautiful present
with a hollow content.

This disease of hunger for double eyelids,
rounded lips and 'stacked' ladies
filled me with a well of vomit,
it really ain't fair.

Beautiful girls die young,
but the pretty ones continued the humankind
What world are we living in?
Silence greeted my answer,
of course, how could I forget?
I am walking along a lonely street.

At the corner of my eye,
i saw two black birds,
under a moonlight,
pecking gently at each other,
one of them had a red flower in its beak
and slowly it gave the other.

The other black bird chirped a sound of honey,
and with one look at me,
they lifted their wings,
and along with the flower,
flew away - together.

I smiled.

a grey street lined with sombre faces
of two-story houses as it accompanied
me through the lonely night as I,
the ugly one in a world of the pretty,
continued walking home.
April 6th, 2007 at 12:41pm