Is It Too Late? -A letter.

[the reason I'm putting this up as a journal entry is because I want people to realize things. one= time is too short to take the time to do what you need to do. two= boredom can make you write these stuff..(LOL)... three= I don't really know what else to put.]

Dear (Secret),

I know this will be the biggest secret that I will reveal for this year... for the past years, I have looked on you as a friend, really close to my heart. I know there are times when I've really insulted you, as if you're not a friend, but all this time, I did not tell you that you are one of the most important people in my life.
There are times when I am really down, and all I want to do is stay beside you. There are times when I tell myself that everything would be okay because I have you. Now, I am beginning to realize that you are so far away that I can never reach you. Maybe, it's my entire fault for wanting you, the way that I am wanting you now.
Sorry if sometimes I seem not to care. Sorry if sometimes I do not appreciate you. It will only be a year, and school is over, and everything will be over.
Before I finally realize that what I'm feeling is a mistake, I want you to know, that all this time... I've been loving you. I have loved you more than you'll ever know. So can you tell me now, is it really too late?
December 19th, 2007 at 09:10am