Why does this always happen to me

Every time I like a girl and is single something all ways happens. Most recently today, their is a girl that I have liked for a year now and I told her that I have had, a major crush for a long time and so we start hanging out. Then this morning at the smokers corner I found out that she is going out with a girl all ready. No its not the same girl as before its her first year at my high school, but I have liked her for a long time and I lost my chance once again to find love.

I basically have given up on life and love. I now realize that I will nine out of ten die alone and that is a big part to why I am depressed. And why I think of death almost every day, and I am actually on the brink of doing something to myself to try, and stop this pain. Not being able to hold someone and share compassion with, and love also. But I might as well give it all up because in my eyes their is nothing left in this world for me any more
January 9th, 2008 at 08:40pm