What do you see when you look at the world

You know what I don't get? People giving up on humanity. Because, then, what's left?

Your friends are human, just as human as your enemies. Murderers and rapists, they're all human, but they're just as human as nice old ladies who give you extra candy on Halloween and little girls who jump off of swings to prove that they're daring.

They're just as human as Matt Damon dressed up like a girl and singing in a falsetto.

Humans are often bad, but they do do good things. Martin Luther King Jr. My role model, Pulitzer-prize winning columnist Connie Schultz. Things can be corrupted and we can all be selfish, but, my god, go DO something about it. There's a reason for everything.

Change something for the better, maybe something bad won't happen. If the world was paradise, then we would all be bored. Problems are here so that people can look at them and say, that's not right. And then they FIX it.

Let's face it. All the problems of the world are overwhelming if you only look at them and see despair. If you look for problems and then not solutions, it'll kill you.

But hope is everywhere. Look for hope. Don't let them smother you, let them itch at you. Let them bother you.

And then fix it.
January 20th, 2008 at 04:02am