Econoline Crush, Seether & Three Days Grace....LIVE!!!

Yesterday I went to my frist concurt. Here is what happened....

6:00pm-7:00pm My mom and I were outside in the fucking cold lolll

7:00pm till first set I entered in and I bough this $30.00 doller TDG shirt of the tour dates. Then I went to the floor and only four people were in front of me and they were playing Mama by MCR. Soon it was starting to get packed...My mom went to the adult section. So I was on the floor and she was on the seats. She brought her camera and I brought mine. Also there was this sound cheak guy with dread locks like up to his knees.

Econoline Crush - They are awsome. I heard a girl beside me saying that the guitariest looks scary. And a couple of girls kept telling the lead singer to take off his shirt.

After set of Econoline Crush - The sound crew was getting ready for Seether

Seether - Okay their mic stand are fucking awsome!! They played a good show but i got pushed back a bit to the front of the mosh pit and three chubby guys landed on me and one person kept elbowing me in my spine. Everyone was jumping like crazy during their set. Then the lead singer got Barry from Three Days Grace out and Barry started to play the acoustic guitar for the song Broken then Adam came out to do the lines that Amy sings in the song. Also before their left their did the first part of I Hate Everything About You and they made us screm the chores.

After set of Seether - The sound crew was getting ready for Three Days Grace and I took a pic of their set before the show, it is fucking awsome. Also me and this one guy we started to chant "THREE DAYS GRACE" and after I was done he yelled "SUCK MY BALLS...JUST KIDDING" and I was laughing. Also me and some girls were all trying to get to the barrier because we are all short people. And I got super close just one girl was infront of me and it was also her first concurt.
And there was a guy beside her who had a mohawk and a goatee like Barry.

Three Days Grace - Red lights were popping out every where and Barry was off playing this guitar riff off stage then Niel came on and he started to do this beat on the bass drum, then Barry came on doing the riff. Then Brad came on and he started to do the beginning of 'Animal I Have Become." then Adam came and everybody in the club scermed. I was able to get a lot of pics of Adam, Brad kept moving around alot, so it was hard to get a good pic of him.
Inbetween sets I kept yelling to them to play Riot cause it is my fav song. And they played it ont he second last song.
Also at one point of the concurt Adam went out and got htis spotlight and he shown it on us and where the light hits us we scremed. Also Adam and Barry noticed the guy that had the mohawk and the gotee. My mom also recorded the ending of 'Drown' The link for the video will be at the end of this jurnal.
I was also super close to getting a drumstick and the set list.

Overall it was an awsome concurt.

Ending of 'Drown'
January 23rd, 2008 at 02:17am