Bi-polar disorder

I had some questions.

What does bi-polar disorder do to you exactly?
I was wondering because my parents think I'm bi-polar (my dad's bi-polar) and I sort of think I'm bi-polar too. I just don't know completely what it does to someone. I should probably be asking a doctor right? I was just wondering if my fellow peers (or Mibbians) knew anything about it to help me without me actually having to ask a doctor.
I'm sort of worried about it too. How's it going to effect me if I actually do have it. I wouldn't want to take meds because I'd be afraid that it might mess up the way I am. I'm worried about my creativity actually, that's the only thing I have. I should probably be more afraid of what would happen without meds instead of losing my creativity (that's not very creative to say the least).
I think that's all the concerns I can express right now.
Thanks if you read.

January 24th, 2008 at 01:04am