
Came home sick today. Ugh. I feel like crap.

Just spent the last three hours alternating between playing Zelda on my brother's DS and reading.

This is soo boring.

On Valentine's Day, at my school, we get carnations in advisory. Last week I was selling them at lunch, so I got to them all first...

There were the boring ones like:

From: u know who!!!!!

There were anonymous ones.

To: Brian
From: That Girl

(my friend Sarah was making fun of her English teacher last year, who entered our compatibility surveys under the name "That Kid" )

and...interesting ones


And my other friend Sarah (one of them) bought FIFTEEN. My mouth dropped.

I got three today, one from Nikki, who's been one of my BFFs since sixth grade; one from my dear Christin, who's in my advisory and runs track with me and EH; and one from Sarah, the Sarah who bought fifteen.

I would have bought about twenty-five, but I'm cheap. And I don't play favorites.

Also, Jack (it's Thursday, so her name is Jack) gave out CHOCOLATE and cookies.

I love Jack.
February 14th, 2008 at 07:57pm