
I haven't made a journal in such a fucking long time.
So I've decided to make one to catch up on everything, not like many really care.
here we go. ;]

My computer finally decided to recognize my iPod (I think I have to make it completely die now before I try to update it or else it won't be recognized), which made me so extremely happy. =D

I'm going through a Network phase right now. I don't know whether I should take that as a good or bad thing, actually. xD But I can't stop listening to Spike and Right Hand-A-Rama and Teenagers from Mars.

Today's not the happiest of days for me. As the hours tick by, I'm becoming more and more depressed about the fact that Neurosonic is playing in my city but I can't go because they're playing at a fucking bar. -_- Which sucks majorly, because they're one of my favorite bands and I went to Projekt Revolution this summer instead of Family Values, so I didn't see them then, either.

I should be writing more for my two stories. Maybe you'd wanna read them? I admit it, they're my first two (and only) Frerards, but I'd like some more input on them. I think they're pretty original, and you should check them out if you wanna read that kinda thing.
Phony - Co-written by Zacki and me

Thanks in advance if you read those.

I still can't get over Neurosonic playing here.

Okay, I'll think about other things.
I'm the Vice President of my Student Leadership, but before today, I've really had nothing to show for it. I mean, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do as VP, anyways.
I didn't do my math homework, which is a total shock for those people that know me, because I freak out if I don't have my homework done. But it was only two little points, and I had a 100% in there before I came in today, so it's still all good.

Yeah, well, that's it in a nutshell.
Sort of.

<3 Cherry
February 15th, 2008 at 11:09pm