L vs Near

L, Ryuzaki, Ryuga, whatever...
probably one of the most brilliant minds in the history of anime. or at least, one of the interesting brilliant ones. he holds out through the fight against Kira's childish judgment for twenty-something episodes. He gets killed by Rem.

okay, enough history. so after L's death, N replaces him. no problem about that...until it turns out that it took less than ten episodes for Near and Mello to bring down Kira when L couldn't bring him down in twenty eight episodes!!!

how sucky is that?

you spend your time watching the series. you get to like Misa, Light and L. your heart gets torn when L finally dies. you feel your heart beat rising as Light continues his regime as a faceless god. you laugh at Misa-Misa's blind loyalty to Light. and then N and M comes along. they haven't even impressed anything in our hearts and they end up being victorious!!! what's with the rush finish?

gahd. They should have at least come up with more episodes in Kira's fight against NEar and Mello... before they finally beat him.

jeez. It was good shit, with a shitty ending.

To L, who could have easily squashed Kira had he not died. *clink*
February 23rd, 2008 at 09:57am