My time at the Mental Institute 2

Again starting out, never was in a mental institute. IF I was I just took a long walk in the woods and left. K? With my buddy Jenn! Okay here:

"LET GO OF ME!" I heard a girl scream outside my door. I rushed to the door and looked out the tiny, blurred window. I saw two white blobs which I assume were the "nurses." In between them was a blue blob with brown on top. Which led me to believe it was a girl in a blue dress and had brown hair. She was thrashing about and struggling to break free of their grasp. In an attempt to stop the madness, I flung myself against the door. The two white blobs turned their heads towards the door. It was HER escape time. I saw her break free and begin to dash down the hall.
"Lucky," I whispered. I still had no I idea why I was here and why THEY even dropped me off. I saw my doorknob begin to twist and turn. They were coming for me. I backed into a corner and stood my ground.
"YOU!" one of the nurses shrieked as they entered my current domain. (Anywhere I was currently staying was my domain, yes even hotel rooms.)
"Leave her alone!" the other nurse yelled at her. I stared at her for awhile. Why is she helping me? She gently grasped my arm and led me out of my room.
"It's lunch time," she smiled at me. Lunch? I thought. Twas the perfect time to plan out my revenge scheme. Over a bologna sandwich of course!

-I was about to say over tacos, but I'd be eating my own species!-
March 11th, 2008 at 10:45pm