People for a Life

you know what's weird?

how some people have such a drive for change. They'll go out and party, socialize and whatnot. They'll live life and deal with the consequences later (eg: drinking and then hangovers) They'll have HUGE plans for their future. And strive for being anything except their parents. A lot of them have aspirations of leaving their home town/city/province/state/country, to see the world.

then there are other people who just go with the flow, and they will most definitely end up like their parents. And the fact that they'll end up like their parents doesn't scare them. They'll be more than content, in finishing school, getting a mediocre job, starting a family and just live in the same city they were born in. and spend their whole lives like gold fish.

i'm pretty sure i belong in the first group, so does one of my good friend. then i have two other friends who i just know are part of the second group. for some reason it saddens me to see them in the second group, even though i know they'll be happier there. i feel like i have to drag them out of their bubble of safety and expose them to the world.

i know its wrong to shove my views on other people, but i also feel like they NEED to see this whole world of pain and beauty, not just the 9 to 5 mon-fri, 2.4 children, picket fence, camping trips in summer lifestyle.

i somehow know that one day me and my group 1 friend will just leave this place one day, and we'll offer and persuade the other two to come with us, but i know, that they'll just say, "send us postcards along the way"
March 18th, 2008 at 03:32am