I Was Tagged

Sooooo...five facts. Hmm.

1. I've bumped into Bill Clinton by accident. I swear, it was accident.

2. I have a memory like an elephant. I remember people I saw in the hallway at school in the first grade and tend to freak them out by saying hello to them at the fair 7 years later.

3. I never finish drinks I pour. I'll pour a drink and only drink half of it.

4. I've gone manic before (I have bipolar, lol, I'm a bipolar bear...hehe) and broken down a door.

5. I'm addicted to the internet. I constantly have to check my profile comments, my photo comments, my story comments, my comment replies, etc.

Sooooooo yep :)

I tag jesseh. because she pwns the universe.
March 23rd, 2008 at 04:09am