Stereotypes, Ideas, Know-it-Alls, and a Message to the Mibbian Community

Any clue how I can attract more readers without making a crazy person out of myself? I don't want to go to random profiles and go, "Hey! Read this!" That just makes me look weird.

Then again, it might not hurt... =/

I actually think it might be because I'm young. I know the stereotype goin' around--that high-school students--particularly ones around the age of thirteen and fourteen--can't write. Which is understandable, because...well, let's face it, they can't. They haven't really grasped what grammar is yet. I know, because I'm one of those fourteen-year-olds, and I have English class with quite a few of them.

They're also quite independant and think they know everything.

But then, all teenagers do. It's a fact of life. I do it, you do it, the kid down the street with the bad acne does it, too. And he's probably the only one who can talk because he has no social life.


That was definitely not the point here, but it was intended to be comic relief.

Oh, and to my wonderful readers of my stories that don't comment...


I know I don't have a lot of readers because there are people against writers like me or me in general--usually because of something I've said on the forums or in an article comment--here. I know that, and all I can say is that it kinda sucks. Haha.

I really have nothing else to type now... Hm.

Ooooh. And I finally figured out the lyrics to that one MCR song. Stay.

Really deep song =)

Oh, and if none of you have heard anything by Anti-Flag or The Blackout, download something ASAP. You'll be glad you did. -nods-

I think that's it...

Ooh. Some links for your clicking pleasure:

You Can't Plan Something as Real as This
Your Guardian Angel

Have a ball, lovelies! And comment them if you read them, please! =)

March 27th, 2008 at 04:22pm