How many MCR fans can you cram on to

Apparently a million!

OMGee, I iz a MCR fan too! But, seriously I think this site should be changed to or something like that considering how many I've come across.

I think it's awesome too. I never knew so many people loved MCR as much as me and also adored writing as much as me. It's also amazing to see how many great writers there are! I have come across so many fabulous stories, poems, and even articles that most of that stuff should be published. Yes, I'd definitely buy your book if I saw it sitting silently on a book shelf in Borders.

OKay maybe not Borders because that place it expensive. If I saw it at Hot Topic. That's expensive too but I have so many giftcards from there I'd be set!

For real guys, it's truly tremendous to see how large MCRmy is and we share two things in common.

1. The amazing guys! and 2. Writing

Keep rockin' guys!

Love always, Taco
April 9th, 2008 at 10:53pm