Damn You Boredom.

Once again, boredom has got me in its grasp. There's no way to escape it.
Even though there probably is, but I'm too lazy to figure a way out. Which is probably why I'm bored in the first place. Aha..

But yeah, I did have plans but it seems my friend has continued on with her plans without me. Which is fine, but I would have loved to have joined in. Oh well. Next time I guess.

All I have going for me is the sweet, sweet company of my music. :D And the internet is here too.

I would write, but probably wouldn't be able to think of anything at the time. I would call someone, but it's kinda late here, and I wouldn't know who to call, and I probably couldn't call long distance.

Total bummer tonight.

Any solutions anyone? Pleeeeeease, help.
April 12th, 2008 at 05:07am