You made me put on clothes!

You. Yes, you. I hope you're happy. My laptop has officially died, so now if I want to check my messages, I have to get dressed, and as you can imagine, my quality of life has slipped dramatically downhill.

Today was even meant to be my day off. So much for rest for the wicked. Or was it the other way around? Whatever, I now have to treck into civic to hand in a stupid stock report and run errands 'as a favour'. What happened to the days when it was other people who used to run those errands for me? Sheesh. You volunteer for one project and you're a total whore. Lesson learned- never try.

Anyway, I am incredibly exhausted from another night of sleeplessness. As soon as I dragged my cold ass out of bed this morning I was already rearing to go back to sleep, and it didn't help that our fridge offered me a choice of sausages, cream or two squishy capsicums for breakfast. I did my best to burn the sausages, and successfully set off our fire alarm.

Today freaking sucks! >:(
April 24th, 2008 at 05:40am