I don't even feel bad about it...

This is about a conversation, well agruement, that me and this girl (who used to be my bestie palie) Laura had not long ago over msn... I will put some of the convo. in here so that you might be able to understand why I feel like I do...

      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
just fuck off then!
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
its happened AGAIN
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
this is what we ALWAYS DO
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
im sick of it
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
i want to be ur friend
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
but all we do is fight
              Lau The Claw;     I Am Queen Fuck Up! 48 Days! (: I'mTrying,ToLetYouKnowJustHowMuchYouMeanToMe!</3     says:
well go be sick then. I'm fed up with this. I can't be bothered with this anymore.
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
yeah and then tomorrow ill be like im sorry then u'll ignore me
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
and it will happen ALL over again!
              Lau The Claw;     I Am Queen Fuck Up! 48 Days! (: I'mTrying,ToLetYouKnowJustHowMuchYouMeanToMe!</3     says:
This time it'll be different.
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
what this time
              Lau The Claw;     I Am Queen Fuck Up! 48 Days! (: I'mTrying,ToLetYouKnowJustHowMuchYouMeanToMe!</3     says:
I won't even bother ignoring you.
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
you wont forgive me
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
you will just leave me
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
and forget about me
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
like everyone else has
              Lau The Claw;     I Am Queen Fuck Up! 48 Days! (: I'mTrying,ToLetYouKnowJustHowMuchYouMeanToMe!</3     says:
I won't come near you.
This happens all the time. I get hurt and 'sorry' always 'fixes; it.
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
thats coz i am sorry
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
i guess i cant be a good friend like everyone else then!
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
just sdont like me
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
              Lau The Claw;     I Am Queen Fuck Up! 48 Days! (: I'mTrying,ToLetYouKnowJustHowMuchYouMeanToMe!</3     says:
I'm fed up with it. You always use the sympathy vote but giess what! I'm not voting anymore.
              Lau The Claw;     I Am Queen Fuck Up! 48 Days! (: I'mTrying,ToLetYouKnowJustHowMuchYouMeanToMe!</3     says:
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
fine dont then!

The first part of this is cut off due to the fact that I left the conversation we were in so she started a new one.... But this happens so often and all the time I am the one that has to forgive her.. I am the one that gets trodden all over and taken advantage of. I am getting fed up of this. I know I probs (do) sound like a moany little bitchy whore... but the guy I really likes likes HER and that happens all the time! Her bf (Sam) is the guy that I introduced her to because I liked him! She always hurts me like this... She says that my life is not fucked up but tbh, she knows nothing! I'm a bisexual with a homophobic dad and she doesn't realise that that makes my life hell! ;(

      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
i HATE YOU but ur the best goddamn friend ive ever had
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
you bitch
      awsome rawrsome        laura           DOWN BESSIE!      says:
you made me fucking cry ill be ignoring you now

This is another bit (and the last bit in here) of what she said to me... This is why i really don't feel bad anymore. She puts me down and excpects me to forgive the next day, just like that..

'Kays, well, this last bit was really rushed because I have to go out and stuff... Comment anyway, with advice on what i should do, please? :/

Love ya'll,

Lau x x x x
May 7th, 2008 at 07:03pm