So Where Will You Be On The Final Days Of Testriffic?

Iam tired of all these rumors going around. There is no of knowing if the site dies! I heard the 18th of May from most people. I heard it might die friday that sounds crazy! Then I just heard it might not be this year.

Iam not believing anything at this point! This is totally insane! Don't you see it? This could be a ploy from this Chris guy!

I say we all gather together and form a big group. "Chain" ourselfs to the site! In the last hopes of saving it! Lmao

OR we could find someone to contruct a new site for us. Perhaps better or equal to Testriffic. Mibbia could be a lost cause in being cool with me. Now it's nine days To the 18th friends. 13 days untill my birthday =)
May 8th, 2008 at 06:15am