May the 27th

Today, like most days, sucked. And not in a good way, as I always say.

In the morning, Kait is better, her Memorial Day crisis was resolved. (Boyfriend?) Midget and Justina are well, met Amanda's South Carolina internet boyfriend....person. Ignored as usual.

Sydney-"Omg, I have the hardest history teacher and I failed the SOL!!! What does that tell you?!?!"
Me-"That you're stupid?"

She's also making up bullshit about being together with a senior who has a drug-addict ex-girlfriend who kills bunnies. Of course, the guy is in a band and works at Hot Topic. Uh-huh. Emily and I have fun laughing at her.

History, I have to sit by those stupid fat girls...was in lack-of-sleep induced stupor.

At lunch, I was up in DJ's business. And "meowing". Elijah wants to have sex with Kait's dad due to his awesome musical taste.

Band SUCKED. Copped an attitude, got humiliated twice, wound up crying. Not in class though, cause I left early. Fucking douchebag.

Getting braces off June 5th!

Kait isn't keeping her promise, latest dilema...

GTG to band banquet...not looking forward to that.
May 27th, 2008 at 11:15pm