The usual I hate my mom (not the only thing I do hate)

Hi, I knoe I don't hate her. I love her at some point.

But there's just some off the stuff she does that makes me want to go crazy.
(I am a girl who forgetts a lot off suff, and she should have lernd that the time I forgot how old I was)
I'll tell you about to day (I know this text might make no sence at all but I hope it does)

I am going to have a math test tomorow and I'm very behind them in math (I'm not sure,new school new stuff and these kids are all geeks unlike me)
And my mom was helping me study. Always when I asked a question etc. Wait what does that mean? (then I was talking abouttransfering it into Icelandic because my norigan sucks) She answered me how it was done even tho I explained to her that I wanted the Icelandic word. That was happening every 10th minute. (But hats not the reason I hate her)

And at some point (after 3 or 4 hours of this studying that was going nowere) I just couldn't take any more, I had officaly tried to sqeeze to much into my brain. So I just said I couldn't take it. And of course my mom started shouting at me "Your grates are going down" And the usual "You'll never grow up" "You'll never get a job" and more and more. So I just locked myself into the bathroom (Wich I've done a millions off times because off her "You have to be the perfect geeek bla blah" off her's) My little sister just ignores it (When she was smaller she used to talk to me)
So I just sat in there and listend to her complain about me to my dad, but for a good reason (I do like my dad much more than my mom, he's just understands me bette than she does) he stands up for me, and comes with some words like "She's in a new school and she hasen't been in they're class" and "She's tired off studying let her relax, we'll get troguh this".
And so the shows goes on I get out off the bathroom because my dad want's to talk to me and he always makes it better (I would have died without him) And get my space to think and listen to some music.

And at dinner time my mom just talks about me and everything ( There you know she has seen and heard what my dad says) and she says that it's not the end off the world if I fail and shit, eventho I already FUCKING know that

Well I'll stop the complaining now. Probably boring for you to know my problems in this lousie life
May 28th, 2008 at 10:57pm