Music rant.

Okay. Here is my first ever journal here on Mibba. I will be ranting on Mibba.

Yesterday, a girl (who's in 6th grade) had the NERVE to ask ME if I had ever heard the song "But It's Better If You Do" by Panic At The Disco.

I replied, "I know all of Panic At The Disco's songs. They are my favorite band. Don't you DARE question me on my Panic At The Disco knowledge."

She then gasped. I don't know why. Maybe I was just really scary at that moment...

So anyway, the point is, don't ask me about music. Ha, just kidding. I'll now get to the subject at hand.

I hate it when someone's like "Oh my gosh ! I love Panic At The Disco ! My favorite song is "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies" !"

My response is always: -.- "Ya. Okay."

Seriously, that is NOT the best song on "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". The entire CD is amazing. It's a pure work of genius in my eyes. Ryan Ross is a brilliant writer. If you haven't listened to the entire CD, don't tell me love a band and say your favorite song is the one you heard on the radio. Please. How commercial.

This happens to me at least once a week, and I want to kill that ignorant person. Well, not really, but you get the point. It's kind of like saying "Oh ! I LOVE Fall Out Boy ! "Dance, Dance" is awesome !"

No. That song actually is one of the worst songs by them, in my opinion. They didn't even write it. Or "Sugar Goin' Down" for that matter. Lenny effin' Kravitz did. They replayed it too much, and it wasn't even that good. The other songs on that album are much better. Like "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me' or "Of All The Gin Joints In The World" ? What about THOSE songs ? I think they should have gotten some radio time.

I hate the radio, just in case you were wondering.

The same scenario goes for so many other bands out there. I'm sure there are other music lovers out there who feel the same way. They never play the good stuff on the radio.

Any thoughts ?


This is journal wasn't intended to make anyone mad.

Ya, I'm outspoken.

Yes, I do speak my mind.

And yes, I do apologize if those are favorite songs.

People have different taste.

And yes you are entitled to your opinion. I'd love to hear it.
May 30th, 2008 at 01:23am