
Well, what do you know. I haven't written in this journal for quite some time. Huh. I guess I just didn't have much to say or anything, but I felt like I should write about this and maybe get some input on it because...well, nearly everyone's crazed over Stephenie Meyer's enthralling series Twilight.

So here goes nothing.

I used to enjoy the series quite a lot back when New Moon was fresh on the shelves. No one really knew about it then, but my friends and I were just in love with the romantic story of Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen. I mean, c'mon. He was just so perfect and they fit together so well, y'know? It was just love. Nothing could be better.

Now, about two years later minus a few months, I find myself not liking the plot or the characters anymore. There's so much I could say about it. Isabella's personality is almost a pain to read about. The approaching marriage of Edward and Bella isn't cute. Jacob's character seemed to become seriously botched up. ._.

It makes me almost ashamed of spending an entire night up until seven in the morning the next day reading Eclipse the day it came out.


Now that I think about it, the love, the affection in that book is just...there. Maybe it's because I haven't bothered to reread the books any time soon, but it just seems so...bland. There's no depth to the love between Bella and Edward. It's just there for no reason.

I thought love was made of so much more. :/ Love has flavor, doesn't it? It has so many reasons for existing. There are specifics about the other that you adore and it's not only their perfect. It's the flaws and the little things they do that you adore. Only I don't see that kind of expansive love in Twilight as I may have when I was younger.

It's just shallow. There's nothing to jump into and immerse yourself in.

Like jumping into a pool only three feet deep.
June 17th, 2008 at 04:50am