And then I was thrown off my bike by a huge tree branch....

So I've been biking home about 3 or 4 miles from a camp I volunteered at this week. On Monday, I was driving past these old abandoned buildings, where there are these HUGE trees that kinda of look like umbrellas cuz they have these branches covered with leaves hanging down like a curtain.

The biggest tree covered the sidewalk, and without thinking, I drove quickly through the first curtain, closing my eyes against the branches that wipped at my face. I was really going kind of fast at this point. I opened my eyes to see, to my horror, a huge, thick, low-hanging branch, coming right at my face. I ducked down, cursing and closing my eyes again, waiting for the impact.

There was a THUD and I was thrown from my bike, flying into the grass. The wind was somewhat knocked out of me and I felt dazed and a little bit dizzy. My bike was lying about 5-6 feet away from me.

I stood up, checking for scrapes and blood, finding none, I realized my shoulder was in pain. I carefully moved it around, sighing in relief as I determined it wasn't broken. I continued on to my house, laughing at what had just happened.

My shoulder is still a little sore, but there is no bruising. I think it was hilarious
June 27th, 2008 at 10:02pm