Are You An Indigo Children?

Something I found rather extraordinary was Indigo Children. And thanks to a story I read here on mibba, I found out about this. And I felt really at comfort while researching about this topic.

The fact that they are believed to have insomnia and depression is something i remember going through during my younger years.
And also, the fact that these children have paranormal abilities like reading minds and other ESP related abilities.
My mom told me I used to make her take me to the cemetery to take my grandfather flowers. And that once in a while I talked to myself, but that she thought, in her mind, I wasn't talking to myself, I was talking to someone, and that someone was my grandfather.

Right now as I'm posting this, I'm flashbacking of all the things I had done, and comparing them to the article I read.

And I'm a little freaked at the many similar comparisons.

Also, in the article, it mentions Indigo Children being interested in the thoughts of others.
I had always been interested in knowing what other people thought, especially of me.

Thinking of this makes me feel a little bit more connected to my senses. And the fact that I always though, I was born as a unique human being sent out for a purpose of changing things. I always thought of my self doing things other people couldn't.
And in this article is also mentions Indigo Children having feeling a strong sense of entitlement, and I always felt that deep inside me.

You probably think this is all crap, but I swear I'm crying right now, because finally I feel I belong somewhere, that I fit somewhere in all those stereotypes.
And I consider myself a great and unique person set out to do a difference and change the world.

Are you an Indigo Children?
June 28th, 2008 at 09:18am