I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

Oh my fudge, we got like a buttload of homework today... TGTIF. At least we won't have English tomorrow. Most of us spend the night cramming to finish the 'summary reflection' and I spend the time in the car... I might sound concieted when I say this (hey, everyone has a little of it in them) but I think I can write deeper reflections... I HAVE THE GIFT OF ONE-LINERS!!! Lol. Lol. Lol. OH CRAPNESS!!! I just remembered, dammit. We need to compose a mixed meter thing for Music... GAH!!! Plus, teacher hinted... okay, she didn't hint, she practically gave it away- that one of these days we were gonna have to choose a poem and add music- NOO!!!! MUSIC NEVER WANTED ME!!! I Can't Compose.

ARGH. Now my mom wants me to go to this place.... so I can meet up with my cousin visiting from Florida... BUT I DON'T WANNA GO!!! Because:
a) as I've stated before, I have a buttload of homework (this entry may be short)
b) I need to color and draw my own made up Greek goddess
c) DEATH NOTE MANGA CALLS!!! (chapter 29)
d) we have not one, but TWO tests tomorrow! and the other one covers like 3 topics!

Hah! I'm almost done with my drawing... but it doesn't look anything like me! Life is really annoying, isn't it?

Plus, my mom's being a nag- again. I can honestly understand my friend (Tomato)'s frustration. Family members are annoying.

~ Squiggly

I shortened it to Squiggly, please don't ask why.
July 3rd, 2008 at 11:38am