a7x questions...

"Val, would you get the dog? It keeps running into the walls.


1) Would you sell your soul to be able to play guitar like Syn?
nope...i like watching him do it just fine =D

2) What would you do if The Rev passed you on the street?
ask for a piggy back ride LMAO...idk prolly be my normal hyperself and make him run for the hills<3

3) What's the last A7x song you listened to?

4) Who is the closest Avenged Sevenfold fan to you?
TORI!!!! DUH!!! best friends since second grade and then she introduced me to them.

5) Are you obsessed?
it depends onwhat time of day it is!

hahah butim not always obsessed but i am deff am after a concert wowzers!!

6) What song do you listen to the most?

7) Which one of your friends acts the most like Johnny Christ?

8) Would you cuddle Zacky Vengeance?
hell yeah..it be like cuddling the pillsbury dough boy!!!XD

9) What's your favorite CD?
depends on how im feeling but usaully the newext one

10) Do you have All Excess?
oh yes

11) Does M.
Shadows make you randy?
oh baby!

12) Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck! ( insert guitars here )

13) Who would you make the cutest babies with?
hahahhahahhahahahahha lmao nice...ummmm syn?

14) If you had to be stuck on an island with one of them, who would it be?
either jimmy or brian

15) What's your favorite CD cover art?
city of evil

16) Do you wish you could scream like Val?
i can, im in a band<3

17) Do you like the old or new songs better?
depends on how im feeling

18) Have you ever done anything sexual in a car with Waking The Fallen playing in the background?
not yet =D
*wiggles eyebrows*

19) Who got you into A7x?
my best friend tori!

20) Do you have any of them as friends on MySpace?
the official band myspace and the clothing lines.

^ ^ same as her

21) What's your favorite thing any of them have ever said?
dear god where do i begin.........................................

22) Ahh, Jimmy.

like minds...

good heart...

fucked up backround i think

23) Who is the sexiest?

24) Who is the cutest?

25) Who do you think would be the best boyfriend?
all but...i think matt seeing he has been with val since middle school..thats devotion

26) Who would be your best friend?
either zacky or jimmy because i have adhd!

27) Who's the most like you?
jimmy totally!

28) Who do you think has the coolest hair?

29) Who has the sexiest body?
syn or shads.
<--------i agree

30) Who's the cutest while drunk?

31) What do you play guitar with, bro?
YOUR BUM BUM!!!!<-------mauahhaahh

32) Do you wish you could open your beer like Zacky does?
no...its more fun watching him do it<3
July 7th, 2008 at 06:38am