My cuz is retarded (No offence) Im subscribed to a bunch of stories she says
"Your gonna have to pay for all those subsciptions"
I say :No you dont or theyd ask for a credit card number"
"Yes, watch your gonna hae to pay like $600 when the stories are done"
I just gave her a 'WTF' look i swear shes on crack or something (I didnt give it to her.... this time)
Anywayz she still an idiot (Yea i like Z's)
Oooh Goerge Lopez.....
"We'll just turn the 'Z' in losers backwards"
"But isnt 'Z' backwards just an 'S'?"
"Well isnt a 'Z' An 'N' turned on its side?!?!?"
I kinda got off track i think i have A.D.D i might need to get that checked out.... GAH! again srry.....
But my cousin is STOOPID!!!!!