We Are An Army!

My Chemical Romance is not a death cult, but rather an Army. The MCRmy. And if you do not believe that, you are sorely mistaken. We are an Army, the MCRmy, and we will stand for what we believe in. We refuse to listen to your lies and challenges, telling us not to listen to thier music. My Chemical Romance saves lives, not ruins or takes them. They save people, including me. If it weren't for MCR, I would surely be dead by now. They taught me that suicide is not the answer, and that NOTHING is worth taking your life over. Nothing can ever compare to what they have given me: hope, life, and the courage to live. I wish you people would really take into consideration that hey, maybe this band isn't so bad after all. Please be reminded that we do not judge your music, but rather keep it to ourselves [well, usually], but don't judge us or MCR before you have listened to thier music. We are not "emo" or "gothic" or "suicidal" or any of that labelling shit. I refuse to be called "emo" because I wear a lot of black and listen to MCR. I am utterly tired of people coming up to me saying, "Go slit your wrists emo girl!" Now, I did used to cut, but I quit. Because of MCR. They have inspired me, and a lot of others as well. It really is a shame, the people who slit thier wrists because of MCR. Those people are not fans, but rather poseurs. They label themselves as "emo" and "gothic" to get attention. Posuers, that's all they are. And as far as MCR is concerned, "emo" is just a pair of jeans and a haircut. Don't label yourself, or others for that matter. You know nothing about anyone until you've gotten to know them. The same holds true for My Chemical Romance.
July 22nd, 2008 at 10:38am