
It took a while but I had to think out my words. The trip didn't go quite as planned, It was a real learning experience. As I expected Angela had changed, guess I did too. The new and improved*Sorta* versions of us didn't work so well. Ann Smoked i found it repulsive and got blasted out of her mind. Now don't get me wrong love drink and bud as much as the next teenage dirt bag but in all honesty Angela made me sick. Its a horrible thing to say but truer words I've never spoken. She was so self-centered and cocky, her manners were repulsive she spit on her bedroom floor! Come on honestly!! I've changed to I don't drink that much I don't feel the need. I only smoked bud there once and it was nice but the people we were with....... they were way more into drugs than I'd ever care to be.

The change in interest weren't the only barrier I got really sick and couldn't eat for like five of the days I was there. Angela kept trying to make me go out with her and would get angry when I didn't. The last night I was to stay with her my mom was in town and brought me anti-biotic for it and I was feeling better so I hung out with my friend Sam. Angela doesn't like Sam I think because shes jealous of her, Sam is very popular with the guys. Angela freaked out and tried to curse me out but I just wasn't willing to listen to her rant on my last night with Sam *this was the first time I'd seen Sam in six months and the only time I'd be able to see her this summer* I just didn't want to waste it so me and Sam hung out had an awesome time catching up when Angela calls me curses me out and storms up to me and gets in my face and stuff. So me Sam invites me to stay the night at her house. I told her that would be amazing we go to Angela's house I ask her mind if she'd mind she asks me if my mother would and I told her not my mom and Sam's are friends. To make along story short this freaks Angela out more she goes crying to her mom her mom calls me a liar and says that I told her my mom went over to Sam's house and talked to Sam's mom *way off the wall I know I actually laughed when she said it* I told her I'm sorry if she felt disrespected and thank you for having me and went to Sam's no way was I going to argue on the street with a forty year old woman and come on who sicks their mom on people. She even got her cousin to text me and tell what a horrible friend I am. At that point I couldn't care less what they thought of me.
I spent the next day at the beach with a bunch of my friends had a great time, chilled with my brother and the next night I went to a carnival. Thats what got Angela the most that I still had fun without her but when I look back at our friendship I feel so used and like I was stepped all over. Now I feel a bit more alive a bit like my old self and I'm alot happier. Like I said it was a learning experience.
July 27th, 2008 at 08:11am