Scranton Warped Tour!! (Written a little late)

Note: this would have been up earlier but when I went to post it Mibba deleted it so I had to rewrite the whole thing.

July 28, 2008
So, yesterday my friends, Logan (Mrs. Bill Kaulitz) and Anna (reinventxlove), and I (Gabby...not Molly) went to Warped Tour in Scranton! On the 1 and a half hour drive there we got 4 free vitamin waters thrown to the truck we were in, saw our friend in the car in front of us, and just randomly babbled on and on about random things. (Guys, I lost the game! =D)

We finally parked and then rode a bus from where we parked to the entrance to warped. Once we walked through the tour buses to the entrance where we got all felt up by the security people we were in.

We walked to the big inflatable list of bands and times and took a picture of it so we could check it whenever we felt the need to. Sooo after that we walked around and bought some merch. At The Academy Is...'s tent we got disapointed when we found out that they weren't doing a signing that day. Also, while we were standing there, there was a fence behind the tents and I saw Ryland Blackington (Guitarist of Cobra Starship...for those of you who don't know =P) walking back there. Then I told Anna and she saw him walk away. Later, I thought I might have seen Jack the camera guy for TAI, but I'm not 100% sure.

Then we got bored, cause nobody we wanted to see would be playing for a few hours, so we decided to eat some fries and sit at the stage and watch Oreskaband (had no idea who they were...not a huge fan of them, sorry). After that Anna and I decided to let Logan go to see Pierce the Veil at the hurley stage. They were actually really good. They covered Beat It and Bleeding Love (hate that song, but they made it wayyy better). Oh, and the guitarist was pretty hott and he had RAD hair that sorta reminded me of Bill Kaulitz (don't kill me Logan).

After that we walked back through all the merch and looked at some stuff. Then we finally figured out our plan for the next 2 hours. We would go to see Reel Big Fish, then Relient K, The Academy Is..., and then last we would see Cobra Starship. All of these bands were at the same two stages that were right next to eachother, so it would be easy to go from one stage to the other.

By the time we started listening to the end of Reel Big Fish it had started to drizzle/rain these huge rain drops. Reel Big Fish was pretty good, although I don't know any of their songs either.

Next, was Relient K. Then, right after Reel Big Fish got offstage an announcer came on and said "We're gonna stop for a few minutes because there's going to be a really bad thunderstorm with hail and you should all go to the stage cause its under a tent. Some people will die, most likely you guys." So then everyone started running for the stage which was REALLY far away. We decided to stay for TAI. Then all of a sudden Relient K came back on and played 30 seconds of Be My Escape and said they tried, but it was getting to bad out. So, we headed to the stage. By the time we got almost halfway there, there was nowhere else to go, everybody was just running around like a chicken with their head cut off. So we fast walked back to the stages where TAI would be and we stood there in the hail and rain and lightning and thunder freezing our asses off. We also tried going under merch tents, but nobody would let you under, incase you got hurt and sued them.

Finally, the hail/rain storm let up after 20 or 30 minutes and we were deciding whether to leave or not. Then we realized that we came here to see TAI and we're not leaving until we see them. So we watched Relient K when they came back on. All of the bands had to cut their set's short to make up for time, but at least we got to hear some of the songs. Relient K was really good, but I missed my favorite song by them (Be My Escape) when I joined Anna on a quest for the Port-a-Potties. Oh well, I didn't know at the time that something that would happen later that day would make missing that one song seem like dropping a penny down a storm drain. (mwahahaha you have to keep reading to find out what happens)

When Anna and I got back, we had to make our way back up to the front of the crowd where Logan and my dad were holding our spot. After Relient K was TAI, the band we were there to see in the first place. Finally, all five of them walked onto stage and everyone screamed. It seemed sureal seeing them right in front of me for some reason.

"TAI=fucking amazing. We were so fucking close to the front, I swear to god William Beckett was less than FIVE feet in front of us, and he looked at us A LOTTT!!! Heeheh. Because of the rain everything was behind schedule so they had to cut their setlist one song but whatever. It was so amazingggggggg. Except this one shirtless dude decided to crowd surf and landed on my fucking head!! I felt like my neck was broken. And it was during About a Girl too. I should have kicked him in da balls, but eh, I only thought of it later. Beckett totally almost took his shirt off during Checkmarks. I almost died. Ommnomnom [for anna and gabby]!!!!!!!!"
-Logan (Mrs. Bill Kaulitz)

Next, was Cobra Starship

"Cobra Starship was on right after that on the stage right next to it and I was like we ISSS staying for this. I rolled up my soaked jeans, looking like a complete retard. Gabe curses a lot but holy shiz they played Smile for the Paparazzi!! YAY!! My favorite.

Then oh gott it gets better, when they sang Bring It from Snakes on a Plane, Beckett came on to sing too cause yeah he was in it too. And I was like where's Travis? Cause he does that rap part.

They stopped right before that rap part and Gabe was like 'I don't know where Travis is so we're gonna need a member of the audience to come up and do the rap part."

His eyes went in our general direction.

"The girl with the purple and pink," he said, pointing to me. But he was pointing to this girl in front of me.

At first she objected and then he pointed to me.

I pointed to myself like 'what me?!?!' And he nodded and I shook my head furiously no. I DUNNO WHY I DID IT!! I know the rap part but omg I had a major brain fart and couldn't remember it. I was gonna die if I was on stage with Beckett and Gabe. I seriously would've passed out. So they chose the girl in front of me again and I was like GAH FAIL. But jesus Gabe liked acknowledged me!

So CS had to but their set short one song too but they ended with Guilty Pleasure.

And I find it quite a coincidence that Ryland was wearing a shirt that said Pleasure on it.

And Gabe was like 'Pennsylvania puts the PA in partying.'

Ryland was like 'we were only rtying this whole time.' "
-Logan (Mrs. Bill Kaulitz)

Sorry about stealing your writing Logan, but you seem to have a better memory than me!

After Cobra Starship we decided to leave even though we still wanted to see We The Kings and Mayday Parade, but we were soaking wet and just wanted to go home pleased that we got to see the band we came here for.

This is where it gets REALLY good.

It ended up being a good decidion to leave right then because as soon as we walked out behind the stage I saw Ryland Blackinton! I stopped dead in my tacks and said to Logan and Anna "Oh my God, guys, it's Ryland!" I yelled his name a few times, but he didn't hear me. I don't know what happened but at that moment I got this huge adrenaline rush to talk to him (which is weird for me cause I'm normally shy around people I've never met or talked to). Then, I noticed he was on a bike and it was pretty small for an adult so I finally yelled, "Hey Ryland, nice bike!" and then he turned around and waved to us and yelled back "Thanks!". Thinking about it now I realize we should have went over and asked for autographs, but sadly we didn't (still not sure why).

So, again we started walking back to the exit and then Anna stops and says to me, "Oh. My. God." and she pointed to a guy walking behind a fence like Ryland was. I looked over at him and I realized who it was. It was Michael freaking Guy Chislett! Chislett has always been my favorite member of TAI. I mean come one, he's australian, hott, and he's in an AMAZING band. And my brain teenie (Anna's word) likes to salivate over him, more than it should. We started asking eachother if we should go over, talk to him and ask for his autograph. Anna and I (I'm not sure what Logan wanted to do...I can't remember) figured he'd be too busy, but then my dad kept saying we should go over there and then our brains started to click that Chislett is standing right over there walking alone and nobody else was around where we were either. It'd be perfect, just us and Chislett. I was too nervous so I asked Anna if she could call his name and get his attention, but by the time we walked up to the fence he was talking to Ryland. So she yelled "Chizzy!" for a while and then when they were done talking she yelled "Michael Guy Chislett!" and he turned and started walking towards us. We asked him if he could sign our shirts and he agreed. One by one we each passed over a shirt to him and he signed them. I also snuk a picture of him holding my shirt and my sharpie =P. I felt the urge to say something him so I said the first thing that came into my mind which was, "You guys were amazing today!" and he said 'Thanks'. Then Anna said the first thing that popped into her mind which was, "We love your band." (teehee that makes me giggle. ILY Anna!). After we said bye we all turned to walk out when he turned to walk back to the stage. After we turned around we let out a few teenie squeals (man I hope Chizzy didn't hear that).

What I find weird about that was that the night before, Anna and I made wishes at 11:11 PM and I wished to meet Chizzy and Ryland, and I did!

So that was my amazing day. Let's learn about Molly's day.

Molly (written by Gabby, again =D):
We were supposed to meet up, but never found eachother. =[
Molly went to Warped with her older brother and sister and saw:
MC Chris
Mayday Parade
some of the Devil Wears Prada
the last song of Story Of The Year
Relient K
Angels and Airwaves
Her and her siblings had some issues with their 4-4-4 deal and had to walk to about 8 different places just to get the exact same tickets in a different color so they could get the deal to work (how stupid.). And during the hail storm they all took a 15 minute walk back to the car.

Soooo thats all for now folks. (Holy crap that was a long one)
Peace, Love, and Warped Tour 08!
July 31st, 2008 at 01:52am