Why So Serious?


Haha, I couldn't resist. xD
So, yeah the picture up there is post broken-in-the-head Jack Napier.
A.K.A the Joker.
and he's applauding me so I can do this journal correctly. :]

So, if you haven't gotten to talk to me yet, I'm brie !
i'm 15, and i just like to write for fun. Usually, my obsessions last about 1-2 months, but I'm hoping my Joker obsession will last longer this time. :D
I'm kinda dark...okay, i'm really dark.
And I ALWAYS fall for the tortured characters.
So sue me. :P

I've got a Joker fanfiction out called 'Jack the Ripper'.
It's not your normal 'Joker takes hostage, hostage falls in love with him, they kiss and have sex' ladee ladee daah.
No, this is a prequel to his life before the Joker.
But also a love story.
So if you're interested, don't be scared to drop a comment.
In fact, I'd love it if you did. Comments, for some reason, keep me going when I write.
Cause I start to feel self-conscious when no one gives me feedback. xD
I'm such a wuss that way.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
It's really cool here, and I think I'm gonna like it very much.
Don't be afraid to drop a line to say hi !
I'm always up for conversation.
Especially if it's about Heath Legder, the Dark Knight or the Joker.
-hint hint-

July 31st, 2008 at 04:39am