My ramble for the day (July 31)

The age old battle of "Good vs Evil" can be debated in many ways. When is "good" really good and not evil? When is "evil" really evil and not good? How do we judge how things get classified as "good" or "evil"?

If a person does something that can benefit many people in a good way but requires a loss for others would it be bad or good? What if the act of goodness required an act of evil like a man had to kill some one to save his family? Would you consider that an act of evil?

Put yourself in that man's position before you answer. If the lives of your loved ones were being threatened and the only way to save them was to kill an individual or individuals would you do it? Or would you say that you couldn't take the life of another knowing it meant losing those who are precious to you?

Now, think of your answer and ask yourself if it would honestly be the same if you were confronted with this situation.


I'm not sure why but i just thought of this and figued I may as well write it down because I don't know when my next "smart" moment will be :P

Written @ 12:50 AM
July 31st, 2008 at 06:52am