Breaking Dawn !

It's all over guys, for real. i just finished Breaking Dawn. the end is so cute, i did one of those squeal jump for joy things cuz i was so happy. i nearly cried at some parts, i'm so sad it's over, it was so beautiful, and amazing giving me so much to think about and inspiration for my own writing.

I met Stephenie Meyer, she's so sweet. i love her like actually i look up to her so much, i've added her to my heroes list.

I might actually cry, one of the best things in my life is over.

It's amazing how a book has brought so many people together, it's amazing.

as a side note go check out this site, the photography is amazing, it's William Beckett's sister. If you read his blog hes also posted a link.
August 4th, 2008 at 07:03am