First Entry

Sup peoples of Mibba!!!!

I'm kind of new here and if you guys would help me out that would be great....Anyways, I'm having major guy troubles. The one guy that I was soooo looking forward to seeing this year has decided to go to a different school...darn. Anyways the other guy that I wanted to see was rudely taken from me when I told the girl that liked him and that he said that he liked her...which he did....damn it.....I really hate playing match maker. I always play matchmaker. I have never ever ever ever ever ever ever had a real relationship. My bestest friend keeps telling me that I have my whole life ahead of me and that I really don't have to rush this but I just have this really bad feeling that well...It might never happen for me. I am completely commited to finding my soulmate. My real true soulmate that I'm meant to be with and I just don't know if I'll ever find him. Well enough about me....message me and tell me something about yourself.
August 4th, 2008 at 09:09pm