fuck i dont know what to do anymore. my life is fucked. again.i tried to stop, but i couldnt. now my razr is bloody and by bf is bleeding too. ours names are carved into each others skin, but now my wrist wont stop bleeding. i dont feel pain. only pure hatred for myself. i DONT KNOW WHY i cut. i CANT STOP. he is cyring and i am bleeding. with no one around, no one can stop me. but i put the razr away anyway. i cant hurt him again. never. my friends wont answer their phones, my mom is gone. i am alone. my love wont talk to me cuz he is probably cutting right now becuz of what i have done. i hate my fucked up self. i cant get back to normal ever. this is my normal and i hate every minute of it. every scar. every drop of blood. this is fer real and i know ppl hate me for it. even band'aids wont stick to my skin. blood oozes from the corners and pushes them away. now theres blood everywhere and i am alone to bleed. what have i done? i need my bf but he cant be here. i need SOMEONE! i am alone.go ahead and hate me cuz i am alone.
August 5th, 2008 at 06:14pm