The Media, The Jonas', NLT and Miley Cyrus

Left: V Stefani ( i think thats how his last name is spelled)
Next: Travis Garland
After Him: J.J Thorne
Right: Kevin Mchale (My favorite!)
Hey guys! I know I haven't done a journal entry in a while so I hope this makes up for it. Okay so I've been doing a lot of thinking lately as far as music entertainment and I started to think about my two favorite bands right now. The Jonas Brothers and N.L.T. (Not Like Them)
For the main topic I want to ask you guys who you think is better and why. This topic actually leads me to our optional topic #1. Where will the Jonas Brothers be in five years? It actually really worries me because I think that in a few years they will burn out. But I want your opinion.
(Optional Topic #2)
Is Miley Cyrus growing up too fast? I mean I like her and everything but it's like no one is looking out for her. They pushed this whole blonde sterotype on her when she was like thirteen and then have the nerve to get mad when it blows up in their faces. Is she going to be twenty-something with a kid on her arm and in and out of rehab like Britney Spear? Her parents are supposed to be protecting her but instead they sit back and watch her make all these mistakes. It would be understandable if she wasn't famous but she is. And in hollywood the media just loves to build you up so they can watch you fall.
Let me know what you guys think.

Jessica aka J-Mart or Lyrical Assassin c-:
August 9th, 2008 at 09:09pm