Hell month.

The past month has been... extremely eventful. I'm afraid to say it haven't only been good things. In fact, I think the only positive thing that has happened is me moving back home again.

First, my half-sister passed away a little over a month ago and I had to re-schedule to get home in time for the funeral. So, obviously, the second negative thing was the funeral. Since then things has been alright in general up until this past weekend. First, my aunt ended up in hospital due to some psychological issues she has been dealing with. Then I ended up in hospital, as you might have heard, with a suspect blod clot in my lung, though that turned out to only be a virus so I'm okay.
Don't get me wrong here, but I'm glad my aunt is in hospital. I was worried about her when she was still at home and my mum kept calling her and talking to her without actually getting through to her because was so distracted and, basically, all weirded out. I just hope she gets the treatment she needs to get better soon.
Some month, huh?

On a happier note, I've watched two episode of the TV show 'Greek' online and I'm already hooked! They've just started to show it over here in Sweden but I missed the first three episodes so I'm just catching up now, got one more to go. Is Scott Michael Foster, who plays Cappie, hot or what?! xD
August 15th, 2008 at 05:05pm