
This is how I'm going to be describing my characters so you have a better idea of what thet're like.

Kirsten... Stubborn as they come let me tell you. Not to hard to please, it's easy to make her laugh. She hates fighting her parents. She has a sharp tongue at times, and snaps easily. Kirsten stands her ground when she needs to. She cares deeply for her friends and is ALWAYS there for them. She tends to hide what she's really thinking and usually blurts out the first thing that pops into her head. When she does think about what she's feeling she usually over thinks and has many complicated theories. She's sometimes her own worst enemy. Even though she's a Taurus she has the Piscean ability to self-destruct. Most of all...

She's afraid of getting her heart-broken.
August 16th, 2008 at 12:32am