Random thoughts

Okay, I'mma just spam this with my own thoughts, mkay? Okay, well, did you know William Beckett has a stuttering problem? I never noticed. Then I started listening to myself talking and other people talking and i realized I stammer and when I stammer I repeat a word two or three times in a row. Is that a little strange? I think it is... I guess I never noticed because I had a friend who always cleared her throat due to something, I don't remember what and if I did I wouldn't tell you. xP Another thing I noticed is that I drum my fingers to the beat of a song playing when I'm thinking and if there is no music I just drum to whatever is in my head. Is it weird to actually pay attention to your own habits of something? I only noticed I stammer after I watched this video where William stammered and said that he has a stammering problem. ((I keep saying 'stammer')) It's really weird... Thoughts?
August 20th, 2008 at 05:24pm