Run for Pain (no, really, OW...)

Okay, so, this is the part where I bitch about cross country.
I was stupid enough to dive right in without training this summer.... So, I'm one of the worst few people on the team. Oh, and the only other girl. Not that I really like the other girl, anyway. She has a reputation of not exactly being the nice type. This is only my second day, so I suppose it gets better, someday. Anyway, I moan every time I go up the stairs. And when I sit down. And when I stand up. And during practice I was so tired I forgot how to lock a stall door. Pretty much I hate running, which I had forgotten seeing as I hadn't run in years. Well, now we know! To detail the parts of my body that hurt right now:
-Hip flexers (groin muscles. I'm actually worried about these because I've had issues with them in the past...)
-Upper abdominals
-Entire back
-Neck (unrelated. My neck sucks, no matter what.)
BUT I have resolved to do pushups and sit-ups every damn night in the hopes of improving my currently abysmal pace. Boy, do I feel silly.
Anyway, now that I've wasted this much of your precious time, how bout wasting a little more?
Encourage me, hate on me, laugh at me, comment!
Love you monsters.
August 27th, 2008 at 05:28am