Things You'll Just Never Understand

  • Why I didn't buy more food, fuck I'm an idiot.
    May 31st, 2013 at 12:00am
  • Why you still believe every single word she tells you, if what she was saying was true she wouldn't be with someone else, she'd be with you.
    May 31st, 2013 at 12:24am
  • How people the same age as me act like they're two years old.
    May 31st, 2013 at 01:42am
  • How anyone thought it was appropriate to cast a white dude as an American Indian in the 21st century. (Referring to the new Lone Ranger movie where Johnny Depp plays Tonto and his costume is based on a painting by a guy who explicitly states that he just imagines what Indians historically looked like without doing any research and it's just like wut. Facepalm I thought we were past this.)
    June 12th, 2013 at 05:47am
  • Flakey people, noncommittal people, and people that don't put 110% into everything they do.
    June 12th, 2013 at 09:10pm
  • Why some girls think being stupid is cute. I tried that in seventh me, it's not cute.
    June 13th, 2013 at 03:09am
  • I won't understand the appeal of League of Legends, and even more so how my brother can spend hundreds of dollars on the cash cards for it, or even why people spend so much money on cash shop items anyways, especially if it's only for something cosmetic and it has no effect on the gameplay whatsoever. I mean-- it's League of Legends, how detailed are those outfits going to be? Facepalm

    Facepalm He never spends money on things that are physical- things that you can hold in your hands. And he doesn't understand that he'll probably stop playing it eventually and all the stuff he bought would be absolutely worthless, much like that game he spent almost $500 dollars on over the course of 3 or so years. He doesn't even play the game anymore!

    I will never understand his priorities. Facepalm
    July 30th, 2013 at 01:21am
  • Nick.:
    I won't understand the appeal of League of Legends, and even more so how my brother can spend hundreds of dollars on the cash cards for it, or even why people spend so much money on cash shop items anyways, especially if it's only for something cosmetic and it has no effect on the gameplay whatsoever. I mean-- it's League of Legends, how detailed are those outfits going to be? Facepalm
    Because skins automatically make you better at League of Legends, obviously File tehe

    But really, I don't understand that either. I also don't understand why people who play LoL can't just use teamwork to win games. And why they all automatically assume that girls can't play the game. Facepalm
    July 30th, 2013 at 01:49am
  • The fact that, the anonymous ask box option on Tumblr, etcetera somehow gives people the "right" to be a horrible person and say things that should never be said to another person. (I.e. "go kill yourself," "you deserve to die," "no one cares about you," and the like).

    It's not "trolling" nor is it funny in any way and it shows how rude people can be.
    July 30th, 2013 at 06:27am
  • @ losing control.
    I mean, I'd understand if they gave you a decisive edge in battle, but most of it is just for show. But at the same time, as a gamer, I know how gamebreaking things like that are when the game suddenly becomes "pay-to-win".

    But I don't even play League, so I don't think I'd understand anyways.
    Why learning multiple languages as children isn't stressed as much here as it is around the world. If I could learn to at least read/understand Japanese, it'd feel like that entire part of the world suddenly opened up to me.

    Think of all the anime/manga/video games I'd be able to finally enjoy! Shocked
    July 30th, 2013 at 07:40am
  • Nick.:
    Why learning multiple languages as children isn't stressed as much here as it is around the world. If I could learn to at least read/understand Japanese, it'd feel like that entire part of the world suddenly opened up to me.
    Hail I agree. It almost makes me a little sad..
    July 30th, 2013 at 08:38am
  • Why the American flag and Union Jack are considered fashionable and decorations. I don't get why people who aren't British are putting up the flag in their bedroom and why non-Americans are wearing that flag on their clothes. More importantly, I don't get why those two flags are the "cool" ones. I mean, I've never seen Converse make shoes with the Georgian flag on them. Just saying. Shifty
    July 31st, 2013 at 09:21am
  • @ bona drag.
    I agree with this - it's also like the cross being a fashion statement. I'm not religious in any way (although I do believe in some beliefs of Buddhism) but I find myself very uncomfortable by the thought of wearing the cross as a ring or on clothes or even inverted, it confuses me. I do like the shape itself, but the fact that it has religious connotations yet people are I guess, exploiting (I don't know if this is the right word for it) in a way, I just don't understand why this is.

    Although, if you are religious and you wear crosses like this, it's fine, but if you're wearing it for other reasons, it just seems odd to me. That's like wearing a band t-shirt but not supporting or knowing the band.
    July 31st, 2013 at 01:20pm
  • How so many women my age are having babies or getting married.
    February 11th, 2014 at 06:05pm
  • How some parents go through life without giving their children boundaries/rules and then act surprised when they do stupid shit.
    February 11th, 2014 at 06:11pm
  • Why "every girl" is obsessed with Victoria's Secret
    February 13th, 2014 at 02:20am
  • - Romance. I can't fathom devoting my life to another human being. /cringe/
    - Shaming. Make sure you're perfect before you criticise me for what I do.
    - PINK and Victoria's Secret. It's just clothes, dear God. Judging from girls these days everyone has seen it fifty times already.
    - Sex. I am so beyond disgusted by the thought of having sex.
    - The raging love-hate society has for pop music. Boy bands come and go, stop getting so bothered about a band. I wouldn't be impacted much myself if Coldplay broke up; I didn't care at all when MCR did even though I used to like them.
    - Facebook. I'm chatting with my ex-stepdad (long story) and Nate, and I don't get the appeal for instant messaging.
    - iPhones. No words.
    February 13th, 2014 at 03:10am
  • Why boys do the half hug - half slap on the back thing. It's odd to say the least.
    Why expensive things are automatically better than less expensive things.
    Why people use an abundance of neon colours in layouts. Surely they would be able to tell if you could read it without hurting / straining your eyes?
    February 13th, 2014 at 06:27am
  • The fact that there's an Achy Breaky 2. A hip hop version of Achy Breaky Heart. Really. Neutral

    My face before watching it: Neutral
    My face after watching it: Neutral

    All about the $$$$$$. . .
    February 13th, 2014 at 06:30am
  • People trying to justify Justin Bieber's actions.

    The fact that I'm not best friends with Paramore.
    February 13th, 2014 at 06:39am