Remember, Remember

  • "Oh, playing match-maker now? Looks like there's a new occupation to add to the list," Jessie teased with a grin. Honestly, she was glad Bobby talked to Mark, though. Maybe Vanessa and Mark really would finally get together. She hoped that would be the case since they both deserved to be happy - they deserved each other.

    Moving to lay down, her legs off the side of the couch and her head on Bobby's lap, she grinned up at him. "Let's hope things go well for those two." Hopefully, everything would fall into place and everything would be okay in the end.


    Mark smiled to himself, resting his hand on hers and nodding. "A lot better," he assured, not wanting her to feel bad about it. She didn't need to feel guilty, considering that he had done a lot. He wanted to make sure that Vanessa was happy and content now.

    Above all else, that was his top priority.
    October 27th, 2013 at 12:40am
  • "I hope so, too," he looked down at her. "Because it's kinda fun playing matchmaker."

    Though he didn't know what happened after Mark went to Vanessa's house, he was pretty sure that things were good for them. Hearing Jessie tell him about what Vanessa wanted and also knowing what Mark was trying to fix, then yeah. They were going to be together.


    Vanessa hugged him and rested her head on his chest. She used to do that to him a lot and she still refused to let him go. This was something she wanted for a long time and now he was finally hers. "Stay the night?"
    October 27th, 2013 at 01:00am
  • Jessie smiled slightly and nodded. "Especially when it makes people happy," she decided, lifting her hand to ruffle his hair with a smirk. "I wonder how many more occupations we can end up coming up with."

    Maybe she should start keeping track. It was an amusing thought, but she knew she'd likely get bored of having to remember every occupation they joked about.


    Mark smiled to her question and nodded slightly. "Of course," he mused, his arms wrapping firmly around her and holding her to himself. Now that he had her, he didn't want to leave at all - especially with knowing that she seemed to want him to stay with her as well.

    "I don't want to leave, anyways." He wanted to stay there with her for as long as he could - or as long as she would let him. Whichever was longer.
    October 27th, 2013 at 01:09am
  • "I don't know," Bobby chuckled. "I lost count a while ago. If we keep thinking of these jobs, we're going to have all the jobs in the world by the end of the month."

    He leaned down and kissed her, then he decided to get up and carry her upstairs. It was getting late, so it was best that they go up to his room and lay down together.


    She took his hand and lead him to her bed so they could both sit down on it. Once they were sitting down, her fingers intertwined with his and she looked at him and smiled. "Remind me to thank Bobby and Jessie."

    It was true that their two friends helped them come to their senses. Vanessa was glad that they were there were her and Mark. They really did have good friends.
    October 27th, 2013 at 01:20am
  • Jessie blinked a few times when Bobby picked her up, though she didn't mind. Grinning, she wrapped her arms around his neck to make sure she didn't fall and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Well, I doubt that," she teased, "We don't even know all the jobs in the world." Giggling quietly, she just let herself relax, enjoying being close to him.

    "Give us a few months, though, to study up on every job in the world and we'll definitely plan on having every occupation in the world."


    Mark chuckled quietly and nodded in agreement, moving to pull her into his lap before he leaned back to lay down with her over him. "I'll have to thank them, too. Especially Bobby," he decided. After all, Bobby had talked him into pushing away his fear of furthering their relationship.

    "For now, though, let's just enjoy ourselves." They could thank the others for being such great friends later. For now, they would enjoy their time together as much as they could.
    October 27th, 2013 at 01:32am
  • They made it to his room and he set her down on his bed. "Okay, yeah, a few more months makes sense. I'm still going to lose count, unless you want to keep track of all of them."

    He sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her so they could lay down. What time was it now anyway? He didn't really think about it and instead went back to joking with her.

    "There's a new job for you," he said. "Keeping track of things."


    Vanessa liked the fact that he was letting her lay on him. She simply sighed and closed her eyes, just enjoying feeling Mark close to her and holding her. That definitely made her night, being with her best friend who was also now her boyfriend.

    Before she knew it, she couldn't help but say what she always wanted to say. "I love you, Mark."

    And she meant it.
    October 27th, 2013 at 01:45am
  • Relaxing against him, Jessie shrugged slightly. "Maybe I'll just write them all down," she suggested teasingly, "Though I'm not all that organized, to be honest." The only thing she really was organized with was her photographs. She didn't mind, of course. Since she was organized with the thing she enjoyed most, she was fine.


    Mark, honestly, was surprised to hear her words. Though, still, he smiled down at her, knowing that he felt the same way. That meant that he only had one thing to say in return. "I love you, too, Vanessa," he murmured softly, his tone genuine. He couldn't remember a time where he hadn't loved her and that was an important thing to him, he knew. He couldn't imagine himself without her.
    October 27th, 2013 at 01:56am
  • "You don't have to if you don't want to," he said. "As you can already tell, I'm not very organized either."

    He felt his eyelids getting heavy, finally feeling tired from the long day. So far, it was a good weekend and he honestly didn't want it to end. For now, he was going to rest and as long as he was with her, he was okay.


    Vanessa smiled, feeling the happiest she's ever been after hearing Mark tell her that he loved her, too. The words replayed in her mind and she thought everything was perfect. She still had her eyes close and even though she didn't want to, she ended up falling asleep in his arms.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:17am
  • (Do you want to skip to the morning?)

    "I don't mind keeping track of our random occupation decisions," Jessie assured quietly, though her voice had started to grow softer, reflecting her growing exhaustion. Closing her eyes, she curled up against Bobby, burying her face against him as she let out a nearly inaudible yawn. She was rather content, despite being tired.

    Eventually, her exhaustion took over and she drifted into sleep.


    Mark smiled at noticing that Vanessa had fallen asleep. It made him rather happy to know that she had just fallen asleep so easily. Placing a kiss to the top of her head, he let himself get comfortable, closing his eyes. Rather relaxed and tired, he drifted to sleep, thankful that Vanessa was so close to him.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:27am
  • [Yep!]

    Bobby woke up early that morning, but he didn't mind. He liked knowing that he could actually have a good night's rest and wake up early since everything was settled. He looked down at Jessie to see that she was still sleeping and smiled. Today was going to be a lazy day like she said and he was already in a good mood at the thought of relaxation.


    Vanessa slowly opened her eyes and once she gained consciousness, she shifted a little and grinned when she noticed that she was still laying on Mark. She let her finger trace along his chest and watched it rise and fall. He looked peaceful and she knew he deserved to sleep after all the things he went through the day before.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:45am
  • Jessie was comfortable and enjoying her sleep. Her fingers had curled into Bobby's shirt during the night, wanting to stay close to him. Having enjoyed the warmth that he provided throughout the night, she was honestly thankful for his presence. Being near him seemed to make her nights better and her sleeps more comfortable.

    Eventually, she began waking up, though she buried her face against him more, not really wanting to wake up. Sleep was nice and she hadn't been as comfortable as she was when she was sleeping next to him. It wasn't something that she wanted to end any time soon.


    Mark's arms had lost their grip on Vanessa, though he still held her close to himself. He enjoyed having her so close to him and he was thankful to have her there with him. She made him happy and this had been the first time he had slept peacefully in a long time. It made him happy to know that she had that effect on him, since it wasn't a luxury he usually had.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:56am
  • Bobby lay awake, staring at the ceiling as Jessie continued to lay on him. He thought of maybe calling his parents later on to check on them, wondering if their weekend was going as good as his was. It also was surprising how comfortable he was, despite still being in the same clothes from yesterday.


    Vanessa then got up from the bed and let Mark still sleep. She walked out onto her balcony and looked at the sun that was shining, not a single cloud in sight. The day was already beautiful and she stood out there to enjoy the view. It only added to her happiness.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:16am
  • Blinking her eyes open, Jessie glanced up at Bobby, taking notice of him being awake. Smiling to herself, she moved to lean up, pressing her lips to his cheek before going back to her previous position. "Good morning, Bobby," she muttered, her voice reflecting that she had only just woken up. She was rather content, though, just laying there with Bobby. As long as she could just be with him, she didn't care what happened throughout the day.


    Mark had woken up only moments after Vanessa had moved, having noticed how the warmth she had provided was now gone. Moving to stand up, he stretched his arms out in front of him, looking around. Upon catching sight of Vanessa out on the balcony, he made his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and resting his head on her shoulder.
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:27am
  • Bobby grinned at her. "Good morning, beautiful."

    He once again found himself being cheesy, but like always he didn't mind when he said things like that. She liked it, too, which is why he wasn't afraid to admit that he can be cheesy sometimes. Besides, he was being honest because no matter what, Jessie really was always beautiful to him.


    Vanessa felt Mark's arms around her and she turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. Her lips curved into a smile and she placed her arms over his.

    "Good morning," she said. "How'd you sleep?"
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:42am
  • Jessie couldn't help but to blush at his words. Any time that he complimented her or said cheesy things made her feel giddy. She loved that about him, that he wasn't afraid to be himself. "You're awake early," she mentioned quietly, rather relaxed and happy.

    "How'd you sleep?"


    Mark smiled as he held her close. "I slept perfectly," he decided with a grin as he let out a sigh of content, "Much better than I have in a long time." He was thankful for such the nice sleep, knowing they it was entirely because of Vanessa's presence beside him throughout the night.

    "What about you?"
    October 27th, 2013 at 02:58am
  • "I slept great," he answered. "With you, I always have a good sleep. Not to mention, I can't really sleep in no matter how hard I try."

    It was true, he was never one to sleep in. And since he knew he would wake up to Jessie's face that morning, he didn't even want to sleep in. "Did you sleep good, too?"


    Vanessa kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you slept perfectly. Especially after all that you went through, you really deserved it. As for me, I also slept really good."

    She sighed and leaned against him, still taking in the beauty of the scenery before her. "You know, having a balcony really has its perks. You get to see things like this."
    October 27th, 2013 at 03:10am
  • Jessie smiled as she listened to him. Her fingers toyed with his shirt lazily and she nodded slightly. "I slept great," she assured quietly. Lifting her head to look up at him, she grinned. "It's a lot easier to have a nice sleep with you beside me." She didn't care if it was cheesy; it was just the truth.

    And it made her pretty much dread that their parents would eventually return, because that would mean that they wouldn't be able to sleep near each other. Still, she decided it was best to about it while she could.


    "I'm glad," Mark said honestly, thankful Vanessa had slept so well. Since he had actually managed to sleep with her so close, he was already in a great mood, despite that the day had only begun. Not to mention, he planned on spending as much time with just her as possible.

    "Let's not forget, that balcony is pretty much my secret passage up here," he joked before chuckling a bit.
    October 27th, 2013 at 03:20am
  • Bobby raised an eyebrow and smirked at her. "Is my cheesiness getting to you? I didn't know it'd end up being contagious."

    He laughed and continued to let her play with his shirt while he thought of what they could that day. Since they didn't plan on going anywhere—especially to the city—they could do other things that weren't so tiring. Jessie did have her camera, so maybe they could take pictures together and he could probably do more drawings.


    Vanessa giggled. "Yeah, you went full on Romeo last night."

    She did kind of feel like it was a Romeo and Juliet moment. Him climbing up her balcony and the both of them admitting her feelings, it would've made Shakespeare proud.

    "I always loved it when you climbed up here," she told him. Before, Mark would always go up her balcony. He would go up to her room to rant to her after he had a bad day or she would call him to come there if she had a bad day, too. Other times, he just went up there because he felt like it and they would talk for hours.
    October 27th, 2013 at 03:35am
  • Jessie grinned and shrugged to his words. "It's not like it's bad thing," she mused quietly, pressing her forehead to his shoulder as she relaxed. "Right?" She smiled to herself, rather amused with the entire thing. She couldn't help it; joking around with Bobby was always amusing and entertaining.


    Mark chuckled quietly, smiling down at her. "Well, I guess Romeo and I just have an understanding when it comes to knowing what we want and doing what we can to get it," he decided, figuring it was the truth, in this matter.

    (Sorry this is so short. Dx I'm running out of ideas for this part.)
    October 28th, 2013 at 10:44pm
  • "Nope, not a bad thing at all," Bobby shook his head and smiled. "But just letting you know, this means I also get to tease you for being cheesy." He held her hand and kissed it, trying not to laugh.


    Vanessa smirked. "Let's just hope you're smarter than Romeo and don't end up poisoning yourself." She headed back into her room, holding onto Mark's hand. "I don't know about you, but I think I'm gonna change out of these clothes. I feel gross."
    October 29th, 2013 at 12:27am