Lord Academy for Superhuman Students (Open)

  • @ Stage Doctor
    Kahi S'Bet
    Kahi stared at Ashton with wide eyes, "I -uh..." She swallowed, "I thought you didn't want to sit with me," She said softly, biting her lip nervously, "To be honest I would be more comfortable in the back... and sitting next to you." She added the last quietly before standing and making her way back to where he'd been sitting, taking the desk next to his. She felt like a fool... but was glad to know that he didn't mind sitting with her.
    November 6th, 2014 at 04:00am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Ashton "Ash" Cooper
    Ashton couldn't help but chuckle a little bit when she said that. He then stood back up and followed her to the back of the class once more, taking his original seat. He looked over at Kahi, then, and said," I'm sorry, I should've walked you back here when we came in. It did seem a little vague that I just kinda let you got right when we walked in."
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:19am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Kahi S'Bet
    Kahi shrugged, "Really, it's okay. I should have known that this isn't my tribe," She gave him a small smile, "I feel really foolish and embarrassed, so I'm sorry." she blushed a little, "Anyway... what's your big plan?" She asked, "Because I'd rather know what I'm about to hate...."
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:26am
  • (mobile)
    Ashton "Ash" Cooper
    Ashton chuckled, and reached over to pat her on the shoulder comfortingly, before saying," Oh, you won't need to worry. It isn't until the end of the class period that it will go into effect. So you can calm down and relax for quite a little bit yet..." He chuckled,'and then looked into into her eyes to wink at her before releasing her arm and turning forward.
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:35am
  • @ Stage Doctor
    Kahi S'Bet
    Kahi's gaze narrowed on him, "No, I'm not going to be able to relax unless I know what's going to happen," She said softly, still staring at him, "You should just tell me and get it over with. I'm less likely to hate you if I know what's going to happen." She wasn't really big on surprises, especially when told that she'd hate the person gibing the surprise, "Come on, tell me. Please?"
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:39am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Anne Davis
    Anne laid down on the piece that would allow her and grabbed each side of the bar. “I’m made of rubber. If it feel on me it would just constrict my airway for a few seconds and I pull it off. Really the only reason you’re even part of this equation is because I can’t lift without a spotter or I get kicked out.” she told him as she prepared for him to get into position.

    @ TwistedLove
    Knaves looked off in the distance. “Principal Hill is a great man. He gave me a home when no one would take me. He’ll keep us all safe.” he told her as he watched two people walked up to him.
    “Didn’t know you wanted hang out with the tree hugger Knaves.” one of them said.
    “Yeah, she’s actually neat to talk to.” he told them as one of them sneered.
    “Let’s see how much fun she is on fire.” the bully told him as they launched a firebolt at one of Lainey’s creatures.
    “Stop!” Knaves yelled as he used a forcefield to catch the bolt and hurdle it back at the bully. “Buzz off.” he yelled as the two scrambled away.
    November 6th, 2014 at 07:20am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Ashton "Ash" Cooper
    Ashton chuckled softly at her impatience. Not so much that she was impatient, but moreso at the fact that if he was in her situation, he would be behaving the exact same way. So, he leaned over, and said," Well, I'm going to follow you to your next class quickly, and we are going to find someone there, and play 'Haaaaaave you met Kahi?!' with that person, so at least you have one person to talk to- or simply introduce yourself to. Okay? Okay. Ready? Break." With that, he simply leaned back with a smile on his face.
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:39pm
  • @ King of the Klondike
    Itzal Shade
    Itzal got into place at her head, looking down at her, "So... basically nothing can hurt you?" He rolled his eyes, shaking his head, "That I don't believe. No one is invincible."
    @ Stage Doctor
    Kahi S'Bet
    Kahi stared at Ashton with wide eyes, unable to say anything for a few seconds before she shook her head, "You're right. I don't like that plan." She sat back in her chair, staring at him as if he was crazy, "Can't we just go with the original plan? That I sit in a corner and not have to socialize?" To be honest, it wasn't the socializing part that affected her... it was the inevitable end. At some point the people she made friends with left her for what ever reason. It actually surprised her that she continued to interact with Ashton... though that was probably because she felt some sort of connection to him... for some reason.
    November 6th, 2014 at 06:34pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Anne Davis
    Anne lifted the bar and began to do her reps. "Not what I said. I can't be hurt by blunt thins very easily. Slash or hack at me with something sharp and I'll look like a pin cushion." she told him as she continued her reps. She decides she was going more for definition instead of bulk lately. "If you want over powered talk to Gracie. I once saw her hit so hard it could have demolished anything in a five mile radius, and she told us she could hit harder."
    November 6th, 2014 at 06:43pm
  • @ King of the Klondike
    Lainey Lillis
    Lainey's eyes widened as the two boys approach. She tried to stay calm though those two seemed to torment her often it was hard but she could take damage and pain for herself, her creatures though we're one thing that she could not and would not tolerate damage to. Her heart stopped as the flame was launched and her little buddy Sunburst on her shoulder and she expected to hear screams of pain but she was surprised to see the flame launched back at them and watched as they ran off though she couldn't help but allow a tree root to pop out of the ground and wrap itself around the boys ankle. After watching him freak out for a moment trying to get loose she released him her eyes cold and emotionless as she watched him scurry away. She could have let the root tighten slowly around his ankle until it snapped like a twig but she was able to restrain herself a little bit while they there was another person around.
    "Um.... Thank you. " Lainey murmured as she looked at Knaves her eyes softening though there was a slight confusion. Most people just watched as others picked on her yet he stood up for her and protected her little creation. She felt her shoulder lighten as her newest creation crawler off of her and over to Knaves nudging at his leg to be picked up. "I think he likes you." She whispered with a soft smile as Sunburst jumped into her lap still slightly frightened.
    November 6th, 2014 at 07:19pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Ashton "Ash" Cooper
    Ashton laughed softly, and said," Well, I could let you just go out and do you and be your shy little butterfly of a self... But you're a lioness. You should be out there. So, I'm going to give you that gentle little nudge that will help you accomplish this feat."
    November 7th, 2014 at 12:12am
  • @ King of the Klondike
    Itzal Shade
    Itzal shook his head, "I'd rather not be hit that hard," He said, knowing that if he managed to climb to a shadow before the hit it wouldn't matter to him. Still, he didn't want to have to worry about that. As he watched Anne he also glanced at all the people around him, "So.... we just gonna sit here in awkward silence?"
    @ Stage Doctor
    Kahi S'Bet
    Kahi crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him from the corner of her eye, "You do realize that felines - even lions - prefer to not socialize with people, right? And when it comes to lionesses they only interact with their own pride, fighting any others away." she smirked at him, "So your plan is still flawed ." Still, she turned to him, "But I appreciate your concern... I mean, you just meet me, yet you're trying to help me in your own way."
    November 7th, 2014 at 04:09am
  • @ TwistedLove
    Knaves watched as the little weasel thing walked over and nudged his leg. Knaves picked him up and looked at his little flowerly face. "I shall call you Darwin." he told it as he petted its little head. He could almost hear and feel him purring against his hand. He guessed that chucking fire back at the fire bender had gained him some respect from the little ones. “No one should target anyone on this campus. We’re all outcasts and different from society so we should all band together."

    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Anne Davis
    Anne rolled her eyes. This guy was doing the "I'm not like other guys so don't try to compare me to them despite the fact that I want nearly what other guys want" routine. "I don't know. I can multitask. What do you like to talk about? Or are you not one of those guys who doesn't likes to talk. Plus we don't understand your life because you're a strong independent woman?" she said with a smile in a teasing tone.
    November 7th, 2014 at 08:47pm
  • @ King of the Klondike
    Itzal Shade
    Itzal frowned down at Anne, "What?" He shook his head, "I am now sufficiently confused," He said, "Why do you keep forcing labels on me? Can't I just be... me?" He shrugged, unsure where she was coming from.
    November 8th, 2014 at 06:11pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart
    Anne Davis
    Anne continued to push the bar up and down. “Because no matter what we do and no matter what we strive for we get labeled in different ways. People take one look at me and think I’m a flighty blonde who cares only about her nails and where the latest deals on clothes are. Plus this whole time you’ve tried to convince me you weren’t the typical guy and you try to go against cultural norms. You are predictable in your unpredictability.” she told him as she finished her fourth rep. “But enough talk of societal differences. Tell me why are you here?” she asked him.
    November 8th, 2014 at 07:08pm
  • Image
    Lainey Lillis
    Lainey listened to the words that came out of Knaves' mouth. In a perfect world she would be excepted with people like herself but they didn't live in a perfect world. They lived in world where it didn't matter if people were just as off as she was they'd pick at her just to make themselves feel better about their oddities. "You would think. But even in a normal world I'd still be a freak. " She whispered softly with a sad little smile.
    November 8th, 2014 at 08:52pm
  • @ King of the Klondike
    (I forgot to tag you)
    November 8th, 2014 at 08:52pm
  • @ King of the Klondike
    Itzal Shade
    Itzal crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at her, brow raised, "I wanted to strengthen my power," He said, "And my first thought of you wasn't a blonde bimbo... it was more along the lines of 'does this girl walk up to every guy in shadowed corners she sees? Cause that's a good way to die'. So once more, your own labeling is incorrect."
    November 9th, 2014 at 08:14pm
  • @ TwistedLove
    Knaves’ hand tightened into a fist as he stood with his back turned to her. He turned around as the weasel thing crawled up onto his shoulder and nuzzled against him. “Even as super humans we fear what we don’t know. Even if we were Gods we would fear what we don’t know. It is the way of things. Not a very good way but a way none the less.” he told her as he walked over to sit next to her.

    @ Jaguar's Heart
    Anne Davis
    Anne finished her last rep and then slid the bar back onto the holder. “From what I can see your powers are already very strong. I punched you pretty hard and you shrugged it off like it was nothing.” she told him as she stood up and stretched. She walked over to the towel rack and grabbed one to wipe the sweat off of her. “I can’t quite peg you though, you are too…interesting.” she told him.
    November 10th, 2014 at 11:38pm
  • @ King of the Klondike
    ((Sorry! Didn't see this.))
    Itzal Shade
    Itzal's brow lifted. Being called interesting was a first, "Well... alright then." He shook his head, "I do have a question for you. Why are you weightlifting? You're basically rubber, what does the lifting help you with?"
    November 12th, 2014 at 09:36pm