
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Malfoy was growing more exasperated by the second. Usually he enjoyed her sarcasm or humor, but when his life was at stake he wanted nothing more than to strangle girl. Could she not see his problem was urgent? Probably, she just didn't care. In fact, he was sure Lena would be pleased if the Dark Lord decided his attempts were no longer good enough and murder him with no mercy - she would probably volunteer to take part in it. She was only somewhat helpful - but there were still gaps. What would the cabinet count as? With an annoyed sigh the blonde ran a hand through his hair, which was already standing messily as if to reflect the madness he felt within. "Not quite," He responded, but like her he wished they were.

    "What if..." He had to pause, trying to find the best way to describe the cabinet. He couldn't tell her what it was, "What if it isn't exactly a Portkey?" He questioned as he took a seat on one of the chairs - but kept his distance from Lena, being close to her would only make him want to reach out to hold her like old times. "However, it does teleport objects back and forth to designated areas." That was too much, Merlin. His fingernails dug into the palm of his hand, "Can you show me where those books are?" Completely dropping his original question he focused his gaze on Lena, giving her a quick once over. "I don't spend much time here - I don't know where anything is." Plus he wasn't ready to leave her company - even if she wanted nothing to do with him her presence calmed his nerves...even if it was a little bit.
    Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, the search for her brother wasn't a long one. He was hard to miss when he towered almost all of the rushing wizards and witches around her - he was graced with the height gene, much like their father. "You're a witch act like it, Ainsley. You act like a filthy Muggle walking around here with your head between your legs. You're a Maddox." His voice was gruff as he scolded his youngest sibling, however the Ainsley merely bit her tongue only opening her mouth when he roughly took the cage from her hand. "I'm sorry," Her apology was soft and rushed as she watched her brother levitate the cage so he wouldn't be burdened with carrying it around. Dominik made it look so easy, made it so easy to make her silly for not thinking of the solution - no wonder their parents preferred his existence over her's. "I just don't like drawing attention," She tried to defend herself only to be shoved forward some by her brother - not an act of violence, or that's what she told herself, he was just trying to get her to rush along.

    "You look like a bloody git. The Dark Lord wouldn't like it - you're meant to be strong. He'll get rid of you within weeks." Dominik warned, his voice low over the noise around them. Ainsley swallowed the lump in her throat as she nodded, keeping her body close to her brother's so she wouldn't be lost in the crowd around her. No one ever spoke of her fate with the Dark Lord, no one ever made any indication if he was interested, but she knew if he showed any sign of interest in the Maddox's youngest child her father would be the first one to offer her up on a silver platter - her father would do anything to keep his family name in the good books. She didn't want to be like them, she wanted to be far from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, but she said nothing. She never did. She let out a squeak when her brother gripped her arm tightly, she looked up to ask what was the matter but fell silent as she noticed he was merely protecting her from the creeps that lingered around Knockturn Alley - despite everything she couldn't help but smile some; at least he cared a little. "Don't think your expedition is forgotten about, Ainsley Isador. Mother and father won't be thrilled one bit when I tell them how you carelessly left my side to scamper around with Merlin knows." Without warning her brother's gripped tightened and Apparated the both of them from the dingy alley.
    December 9th, 2014 at 11:15pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    As business started to calm down again, George and Fred reunited, their identical grins rivaling each other. The day had been a good one, though they were both curious as to how Ainsley had managed after leaving their shop - George more so than Fred, but both of them contemplating all the same. Maybe it was a Weasley trait to worry about those that didn't necessarily get to worry about themselves. They had saved Harry from his aunt and uncle Dursley's home via their father's flying car once before, after all. There wasn't much either of them could do in Ainsley's case, though, aside from offering a place to spend her time if she ever needed it.

    "I think it's about time we close up shop for today," Fred decided in an almost sing-song voice as George nodded his agreement. "I think so, too, Fred," he hummed out - and, thankfully, it wasn't difficult to lock up. A flick of the wand and the shutters were down, the door closed and locked, and the two moved to where they slept in the shop building. They could deal with tending to the light mess of disorganized items in the morning, for the day had been a long one.
    Lena couldn't help but to stare at the Slytherin git. She tried to piece together what he said, but her eyes were more focused on the dark rims around his eyes, the way he looked paler than usual. Admittedly, she hadn't paid much attention to it before, due to the fact she was more focused on the matter of how much he had hurt her. "While we're at it, we should probably find you a book to help with insomnia. You look like you haven't slept in months," she pointed out, and, though she tried to keep her tone neutral and casual, it came out a bit worried - she tried to force that away immediately, though, since he didn't want him to find another way to make a jab at her.

    Chewing at her lip, she turned to grab something from her bag before tossing it to him. "If you're stressed, squeeze that. I'll need it back before exams, though." Why was she even bothering to be concerned? It likely didn't matter to him. But, even if she wanted to pretend she didn't, that she shouldn't, she did care about him. Standing from her spot, she shifted to put the book she grabbed away and moved to leave the aisle, figuring that he would follow, before she led the way to the proper section.
    December 9th, 2014 at 11:44pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Malfoy blinked in disbelief at the girl, but tried not to allow his usual sneer to falter. Her talking in his appearance made him self conscious, not that he would admit that, he knew he was looking rough - his mother had mention it every now and then before he boarded the express to Hogwarts. Was it a surprise though? Clearing his throat he gave, what he hoped was, a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, "I've been sleeping fine." His response was curt, because even he knew it was an obvious lie. As much as he wanted to confide in the girl and curl into her arms as he rambled on about his worries that were eating him to his girl he the last thing he wanted was for her to worry about his well-being and he knew she was worrying - why he couldn't be too sure, but he suspected it was just in Lena's nature to worry for everyone - at one point Draco loved the girl for that.

    "A Muggle contraption?" For a second time in her presence that day he found himself surprise. His question wasn't rude, just curious as he carefully inspected the small object. What was it? Standing as well he gave the thing a gentle squeeze like Lena had instructed - his eyes briefly widened with wonder but before looking a fool he stuffed the object into his robes. He had a hard time believing it would help rest any of his stress, but it was from Lena and he couldn't bring himself to refuse it. "I'm..." He wanted to apologize, because he knew the girl didn't deserve the way he had been treating her, or the break-up, but he couldn't bring himself to. He had to remind himself that what he did had very good reasoning - times were complicated. "Thanks, Latton" His heart tugged knowing that this was far as the two would be able to talk, he would have to go back to being a prat to her after this. For a second he just looked down at the girl his gaze lingering on her lips that always felt soft against his own before looking towards the row of books they stood across from them - not at all looking forward to the amount of searching he was in for.
    The next few days after meeting the twins stretched painfully slow - the youngest Maddox cooped up in one of the many guest rooms of Malfoy manor, now that the Dark Lord was on the rise the Malfoy's were the established meeting spot. The brunette felt bad for the family. She didn't know much about the husband or Draco, but Mrs. Malfoy seemed so fearful now-a-days. After the day in Diagon Alley her parent's refused to say much to her - they were certain for a few hours that she was a spy for The Order, it took a day but Ainsley finally reassured her parents that she was on their side, she told them everything they longed to hear from her pale lips and for once they were pleased with her. "We were afraid you would end up like your cousin," Her mother would sigh, referring to her cousin who just three months found out she was pregnant - the downside being her baby's father was a Muggle. Or worse dead, her father's words were what frightened her. Anyone else would have brushed the sentence off but Ainsley knew the meaning behind his words and it struck both sadness and fear to her core. One mishap and her father would take her out of this world with one flick of his wand and no regret.

    After that altercation she had a hard time facing him or Dominik - who insisted that she needed a proper punishment. She was sure her father thought about it, but luckily no penalizing came to her. Ainsley was beginning to think she would rot in the large room, Basil being her only company, when her mother paid her a visit mid-afternoon. "I need you to visit Scribbulus' and buy your father some new quills." Her mother held a striking resemblance to her daughter, the only difference between the two was the beginning of early aging on her mum's features. "M...Me?" The brunette couldn't help but squeak in surprise, Basil's movements coming to a slight halt as if even he were surprised. Trying not to sneer, knowing she often took anger on her daughter, her mother gave a curt nod of her head. "You need fresh air - not healthy to be locked away." Ainsley tried not to scoff, her mother spoke as if she was locked away on her own doing. "Your father is out until tomorrow - I advise you arrive before he has the chance to take note of absence." With that her mother left her still in slight shock. Was this a test? No, her mother wasn't one for test and games. Still fretting in an internal debate the witch began to quickly dress and soothe out her hair - knowing her mother wouldn't want her to venture out into the world looking a mess, she couldn't embarrass the family.

    She made sure little Basil was safe in his cage before Apparating out of the room - leaving it with a loud snap and the girl smiling; even if it was for a brief period she felt like her own person for once.
    December 10th, 2014 at 12:31am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Busy days had passed at the Weasley shop and George enjoyed every moment of it. Occasionally, he expected Ainsley to visit again, but as each day passed, his expectations had grown dimmer. He'd always remind himself that she mentioned it might be a while before she showed up, but he couldn't help but to worry for the poor girl. Even Fred occasionally questioned over if Ainsley had returned yet or not - though George was certain Fred had taken notice, as much as he had, of the Maddox girl's prolonged absence. The day was less busy, thankfully, and the two were found leisurely leaning against the railing of the stairs that led up to the second floor of the shop.

    "Think we'll get any new customers today?" Fred chimed as he nudged his twin with an arched eyebrow. George lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. "Perhaps. We usually get returning customers lately, though," he pointed out. The shop had grown in popularity, that was definitely true, but they hadn't had any new visitors since the day Ainsley came in - likely because most people who would show interest in the shop were away at Hogwarts.
    Lena paused, admittedly caught off guard with his gratitude. Instead of responding to it, because she wasn't sure that saying You're welcome was even proper, considering everything that had happened between the two. Trying to ignore the tug at her heart due to hearing his gratitude, a part of her reminded of the Draco she knew, rather than the Malfoy that she had begun to consider him as. Shaking the thought away, she turned her attention to the books. "I'd help to find whatever book you're looking for, but I have no idea what you're even on a search for," she told him - and, honestly, she wasn't sure that she could handle being around him for an extended period of time at this point.

    "That's a stress ball, by the way." She gestured to the ball that she had tossed to him, though she didn't look at him. "And, yes, it's a Muggle contraption. If you concentrate on squeezing it, you don't have to worry about thinking about anything else. It helps to keep you distracted if you're focused on muscle movement, rather than thoughts." She shrugged slowly and shifted awkwardly for a moment. "Can you handle the rest on your own?"
    December 10th, 2014 at 01:32am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    A Stress Ball - even with her explanation of the small thing Malfoy had a hard time believing it would prove to be helpful, but part of him was still thankful - grateful that the girl did not seem to completely loathe his existence. "You've done enough." Malfoy didn't mean to be rude, but he was quick to change the topic. It was bad enough that the blonde even asked for help - he definitely couldn't explain what he was attempting to put back together. She would tell Potter and his whole task would be at jeopardy along with his short life; no he couldn't even mention what he was trying to fix. The less information he gave the less suspicious he hoped the girl would be. He gave a curt nod knowing the girl did not exactly want to be around him longer than she had to - she was practically begging to scurry away. It pained him, but he understood in a sense. No less than twenty four hours ago he threw their whole relationship into her face, called her vile names.

    "You were right, you know?" As he spoke he turned his back to the girl as his blue orbs began to search the endless bookshelves - hoping the book he was in search for would just pop out at him. His eyes were exhausted and he wanted to sleep, but he knew sleep wouldn't come. It never did for him - he always awoke with a start. It had only been a day, but it felt as if he had spent weeks disappointing everybody back home. "I am just like my father." Though, not in the sense she thought. He was a coward, a bloody coward, just like his father. His eyes narrowed some in frustration. He was already bored of looking and the more minutes he spent in the library away from the cabinet the more his anxieties grew. He needed to form other plans - maybe if he could kill the headmaster first then...then he wouldn't have to worry about the cabinet, he wouldn't have to worry about flooding the school with Death-Eaters. Given up on the task at hand he cleared his throat as he turned to face Lena, "You can go. I know you don't want to be around me." He wanted to spit out something along the lines of go join your Blood-Traitor friends, but he knew it would only cause an argument between the two.
    The brunette was not sure if returning to the twin's store would be a good idea. Would they want to see her? They probably forgot about her, that would not be a surprise. She knew it was dangerous even thinking of the Weasley's, but she couldn't help but feel intrigued. They were so exotic to her. She heard many stories from her father, or family friends, that described the whole family as filth or disgraceful but the small part of the family that she had met seemed anything of that sort. They were kind - even to her! They were beyond kind, they were welcoming. It was as if the two twins that she met never stopped smiling and Ainsley was not used to that in her life. Her parents hardly ever smiled or said anything pleasant and it had been years since she felt comfortable around her brother - it was as if she floated through life without one single positive aspect. Pathetic, fresh out of school and washed out just like her mother.

    She kept to herself as she walked through Diagon Alley, her arms around her thin middle as if she were trying to hold herself together. She didn't mean to be so weak, but she was always afraid when it came to strangers - especially now-a-days; things were becoming so ominous as the Dark Lord began to regain his power - or maybe she was the only one living in fear. That, as well, wouldn't be a surprise. Keeping her head ducked she hesitantly stood in front of the store, her heart thudding loudly against her rib cage. What if someone saw her? She wouldn't have an excuse this time and she doubted her slim curiosity would do anything to curve her father's rage. Before she could talk herself out of the act she pulled opened the door that lead into the store, this time thankfully not flinching at the sound of the jingly bell, before stepping in. Losing her nerve she debated on quickly turning and fleeing back to Malfoy manor - but her mom gave her freedom and she refused to let fear control her life... or at least try. The store was, thankfully, not all that busy - but still she was fearful of prying eyes or eavesdropping ears. "Hello," She greeted meekly, her wide eyes staring up at the twins with a timid smile. Her excuse for being here, if they asked, was more things for Basil - she thought it would make sense.
    December 10th, 2014 at 02:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Well, if it isn't little Ainsley!" George and Fred greeted together as they grinned down at the girl. Both twins were quick to make their way down the stairs. "Honestly, Ainsley, we were beginning to wonder-" Fred started, George immediately finishing without missing a beat, "If you were ever going to wander in here again." Though the two were both happy to see that the girl had returned, they were cautious due to the fact that she could easily get in trouble with her family if it was found out that she was there once more.

    "So, little Ainsley, what brings you around these parts again?" It was George asking, admittedly curious. Had something happened for her to come back? Or was she just there for Basil's sake? Part of him was curious as to if she was there because her brother or somebody else had rid her of the little Pygmy Puff, even, but he didn't want to outright ask that. He didn't want her to assume that he could jump to conclusions so easily. Better to give everybody a chance, he knew. "Think you'll stick around longer this time? We're not as busy, so we're all yours!" Again, a joke; they didn't want to overwhelm the poor girl.
    It surprised her to hear his admission to being like his father. Regardless, Lena wasn't about to claim that he was nothing like his father. In the past, she had, sure. But, after everything from last night and today, how could she possibly tell him that he wasn't like his father? But, then, why had she denied that he was anything like his father before, anyways? No, she should have seen through his facade, but she hadn't and maybe she was an imbecile for thinking otherwise.

    "Don't say it like that, as if this desire to be away from you is one-sided. I'm just a Mud-Blood, after all. Wouldn't want to taint yourself with actually caring about somebody instead of it being one big joke, right?" Perhaps she should have stayed there to hear his response, but she didn't. Instead, she turned and left the aisle, returning to the aisle she was previously at. After retrieving the book she had put away, she went back to sit down, knowing that she still needed time away from classes to deal with her emotions and thoughts.
    December 10th, 2014 at 02:49am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Malfoy longed to go after the girl, he wanted to explain everything - but instead he stood in place. There was nothing he could do to make any of this better. He couldn't take what he said to her the precious night back and fear for both of them kept him from running after her. It was better like this; even if it hurt. Separation from him would do her good in many ways - that is what he continued to tell himself. Ignoring his growing annoyance for himself the blonde continued to look for something that would prove to be useful, his fingers wrapping around the stress ball that was tucked away in his robes and gave it a small squeeze - finding himself surprised when it actually relieved himself of some stress, but not much.

    Not wanting to admit that he wasted precious time he selected a random book from the shelf that closely resembled his problem - he just hope that it would answer his dilemma. He was beginning to wonder if he should try to find other ways to assassinate the head master. Wouldn't The Dark Lord be pleased with that? Wouldn't it show that he was eager to please? The blonde swallowed his nerves - he just didn't see why he add to transport Death Eaters into the school, but he couldn't question his task. He shuddered to think about what might happen to him or his mother if he did, "Oi, Latton," He whispered harshly to the girl as he located her. "Don't even think about uttering a word of this to your blood-training friends, got it?" He definitely didn't need Potter planting his large noise in his business.
    Why did the girl find herself back in the store? Admittedly she just wanted to see the twins again, but you would not catch the girl vocalizing that anytime soon. No, no - her ancestors would roll in their graves and the twins would probably find amusement in her confession. Biting the corner of her lip she smiles nervously at the two, "I was afraid I would be locked away forever," She complained softly - her brother probably did as well. Her father overlooked it however, Ainsley harbored a sneaking that her lack of punishment had to do with her mother - or maybe the Death Eater had more pressing matters on his hands.

    "Basil was in need of some more feed... and well I figured while I was here I should get some." She fumbled nervously her lies far from the truth - Basil seemed to enjoy whatever Ainsley ate, so his bag of feed laid in the corner of the guest room they were currently sharing practically untouched. The girl wanted to joke with the two, or at least say something witty, but she lacked the social skills. She knew she would only look like a fool. "I have a while." She grinned up at the two - clearly content with the fact that she was free of her parents, if only a few hours. "I just have to get back before my father." Theodore Maddox, her father, was not somebody you wanted to get on the wrong side of - she watched many house elves fall victim to his rage. "Also, I thought...we could, maybe, hang out.. if you two wouldn't mind." How did the twins do it? They made talking seem so effortless - she just looked ridiculous. "If you're busy or aren't interested I understand. I just..." Shifting her weight nervously the girl trailed off, her small fingers fumbling with loose fabric on her sweater sleeve.
    December 11th, 2014 at 09:46pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Basil already needs more feed?" George asked, admittedly a little surprised at the news. Pygmy Puffs were small things, and he knew that they could eat a lot when they absolutely wanted to. But, then again, he recalled that it had been a while since Ainsley's last visit - perhaps he shouldn't have been as surprised as he was. Or maybe it wasn't even the feed that he was surprised about. He was likely surprised about the fact that Basil was still alive, since he half-expected her parents or brother to throw fits and murder the poor little thing - and, it wouldn't have surprised him if they had punished the poor girl, either, to be frank. Pushing those thoughts away, he grinned instead and nodded. "More feed -" he started before Fred finished with a quick, "Got it!" And though George had planned to go get it, Fred was already on his way to the back to get the feed himself.

    Figuring that he would leave the task to Fred, George turned his attention back to Ainsley. "Well, how long is a while?" he asked with curiosity before he offered a broad grin. "We'll be closing in a bit, so we can hang out easier - because we're definitely interested in hanging out with you." She probably deserved to have some time away from her family and the chance to spend time with people that could actually make her smile. Everybody deserved to smile every once in a while - or even more often than that, honestly. "What did you have in mind for us to do?" Because, for all he cared, they could just hang out in the shop; it was really up to the girl.
    Lena was beginning to wonder if she would ever be rid of the Slytherin git, but she knew that she didn't necessarily want to be rid of him; she just wanted everything to go back to how they were the previous year. A huge part of her knew that she shouldn't even want that, after everything that's happened, especially when he admitted to it all being for his own amusement. Why should she want to go back to everything being a huge joke for him? Her thoughts bringing annoyance, she frowned as she rubbed at her temples, trying to abate the headache that was beginning to become more and more pronounced. "Do you really think that I would tell Harry that I helped you, Malfoy?" she finally asked, turning her attention to him, her frown deepening, "He wouldn't even believe that you asked for my assistance, much less that I agreed to help you."

    And, it was true. Malfoy was a muggle and muggle-born hater. Anybody would think it was some huge joke if Lena went around, talking about how Malfoy asked for her help, because it just didn't seem to be in his nature. And, why would a muggle-born help a Malfoy, anyways? If they actually knew the background between Lena and Malfoy, they would be just as confused about why she helped him as they would be about Malfoy asking for her help without them being aware of their background. "I'm not a daft fool, Malfoy. You should know me better than to assume that I would go around, telling anybody about this, much less my own friends."
    December 12th, 2014 at 03:01am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    The blonde almost felt like crumbling before the girl's sharp, agitated eyes. This was not the the year he anticipated - he remembered during the last months of fifth year how Lena and himself would make foolish promises, stare at each other as if they were the only two that mattered - forgetting about the growing war that loomed ominously above them for a few moments of peaceful bliss. Malfoy longed to go back to that; he desperately wished he could pull the girl into his arms, listen to her soft voice as she soothed his worries away. "It isn't as if I would put it past you," Draco spat in annoyance, loathing how easily she spoke to him as if he were downright daft. Who did she think she was? "I just don't appreciate your friend's large nose in my business," Merlin knows it was as if the infamous Golden Trio, a Mud-Blood, a blood traitor, and Potter, were always poking around his business - or rather anything that had downright nothing to do with them.

    Annoying Gryffindors - parading around like they owned the damned castle. "Just keep your mouth shut, Latton." Admittedly Draco knew he would not have to worry, to his knowledge Lena didn't seem the type to gossip, truthfully he only stood there to hear her voice - even if it was full of aversion and exasperation. Not waiting for a response the blonde gave her one last sneer before hurrying away, the book pressed against his side - not wanting curious eyes to take note of it. Classes were still being held, though were due to release for lunch soon, but instead of finding the classroom he was meant to be in Malfoy found himself stalking towards the Room of Requirement. Unfortunately, Draco's grades were bound to take a toll because of his task - he could not help but remain bitter about that, six years he struggled to maintain significantly high marks and with a blink of an eye he was meant to throw it away; much like he was forced to push away Lena - the only person he truly allowed to see his true colors, the only one cared more about him and not his looks, money, or blood line. Cautiously he made sure nobody lingered in the corridors before hurrying into his destination - the cabinet staring straight at him in a tantalizing manner; as if it knew fixing it was a lost cause. As he began to flip through the book looking for spells for the bloody thing he decided to start thinking of a second option - one that would be set into motion during their first trip to Hogsmeade.
    Color rushed to the girl's cheek at the question - it was innocent, but she hadn't expected her excuse to be disputed over. "I, um... Dominik dropped the bag on accident so I lost quite a bit on the first day," Her teeth nipped at her lip as she watched Fred make his way towards the back, feeling a little guilty that he was going to get her feed that she wouldn't even need, but she remained silent. Even if George expected her story was false she was not ready to admit it, how embarrassing. "My mother thought Basil was rather atrocious." Ainsley admitted with a small smile, her mother's reaction to the small creature had definitely been an amusing sight - one she was sure the twins might have gotten a kick out of. "The Malfoy's house elf is rather keen on him, however. It's kind of sweet." Strange, but sweet. Realizing that the twin had not asked and probably couldn't careless the girl flushed, "Forgive me, I sometimes ramble when I'm nervous." Sheepishly she twirled a loose piece of hair around her ring finger, her teeth once more abusing her lip. Why couldn't she be normal? Her mother was spectacular in the public eye - she could talk to anyone; Ainsley was terrified at the mere thought.

    "I'm really not sure," She admitted, happy for the change in conversation - she was better at answering questions. "Mother told me that father won't be due back until sometime tomorrow morning, but seeing as I have nowhere to go for the night I believe she expects me back sometime tonight." Her mother never really gave her a designated time to come back, in fact Ainsley wasn't really sure what time it was at the moment. "Probably only a few hours - I shouldn't stay out too late." She decided, dropping her hand back to her side. It would have been nice if she had a friend she would be able to stay the night with, but she never branched out enough to have lasting friendships from Hogwarts - there were the Rosier girls, but they frightened her to a degree. "I...don't really know." She admitted once more, biting the inside of her cheek. She never really imagined herself getting this far, much less think of some sort of game plan. Ainsley wasn't really sure what people her age did for fun, her life consisted of keeping up an image for her family - she was never really given the opportunity to have fun on her own. "I didn't really expect you or your brother to accept the invitation." Once again her mouth was running faster than her poor mind, "What do you two usually do? I wouldn't want to pick something you or your brother would not enjoy." Their options were somewhat limited - it wasn't as if the three of them could wander into Diagon Alley like trio of friends - Merlin knows who could be watching.
    December 15th, 2014 at 12:56am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    George found it hard to believe that Dominik accidentally knocked the feed over. It wasn't as though he was familiar with the older Maddox sibling, not really, but Ainsley had seemed a bit uneasy about her brother the day before, so he assumed it was expected that he wasn't exactly a nice person. Finding no reason to mention any of this, though, he simply nodded, looking back towards the door that his brother had escaped into. It was taking his twin longer than George expected him to just to get the feed, but he figured Fred was just taking his leisurely time - no need to ruin that, he decided. "Oh, you don't have to worry about rambling," he assured her as he returned his attention to the girl with a smile. In fact, her rambling was a bit cute, but he need not mention that for fear of scaring the poor girl off.

    "You didn't expect us to agree to it?" Maybe he shouldn't have been surprised by it, but it had caught him off guard more than he expected. He assumed it was because the girl likely thought that he and his brother wanted nothing to do with her, that they were just polite to her due to her visit to the shop. That wasn't true, though; they were nice to her because she was a kind girl, one who didn't deserve the usual scorn that the they might have presented had she been a visitor who genuinely looked down on them and their family. She was nothing of the sort, though, it seemed. "Ah, well, we generally just spend time here or at home with our Mum and Dad. We could go there, if you want; they wouldn't tell anybody of your visit." No, the Weasley family had gotten used to keeping secrets when necessary - and this definitely would have been necessary. "Plus, Mum should be getting a meal ready by now."
    A low scoff escaped Lena's lips. It wasn't as though she could control what her friends did. If she could, she would have made them see that Malfoy wasn't such a bad person - or, at least, she would have made them believe that back when she had believed that herself. Only, she didn't believe that anymore. No, Malfoy was just as bad as his reputation led everybody to believe, a spitting image of her father - not entirely in looks, because Draco looked much better, buy definitely in rotten personality and prejudice. It was nearly sickening that she had let herself believe otherwise, but she shoved the thought away.

    She waited a few minutes after Malfoy's departure before she stood, setting the book back where it belonged once more, gathered her things and escaped the library. Class would be over soon and she was beginning to dread the idea of having to sit around in the bustling Great Hall and pretend that everything was alright in front of her friends again. It had been difficult enough during class earlier, but the stress of having to pretend all year was already tiresome. Looking around, she figured she'd wait outside the classroom that she was meant to be in with her friends and headed there. Whether the professor saw her or not (and with the possibility of receiving detention at that), she didn't care. She just waited.
    December 15th, 2014 at 02:46am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    [ feel free to hate me when you read how terrible this little guy is Facepalm ]

    The blonde was pacing up and down a vacant row of books, his long fingers tugging at messy strands of hair. Most of the student body were in their common rooms - gossiping about the unfortunate event that took place not less than an hour ago. How could something simple go so wrong? He hadn't meant to hurt the girl - it was the last thing he wanted to do, but somehow his plan fell through right before his eyes and that girl could be dead. Did he kill somebody? What had he done? His eyes burned with tears of fear and frustration. His only intention was to make The Dark Lord proud, to keep his parents safe and secure. He thought he knew what he was doing. He thought it would of worked, he thought it would be the answer to his problems, but it only resulted in an innocent girl being sent to St. Mungos. Oh, Merlin what if somebody figured out it was him?

    The last thing he needed was for Potter to pin all of this on him. His chest restricted as guilt and distress suffocated him. He was in over his head, but he was also aware that it was too late to back out. Abandoning the mission now, or ever, would result in his premature death. Many of times in his short life whenever Draco got himself into trouble his father would swoop into bail him out, but he was alone in this. There was no saving him, there was no help waiting for him. He was intended to do this on his own - or the consequences would be severe. What if he couldn't? The cabinet was a lost cause and his other plan could possibly result in the murder of another student. The image of the girl hovering in the air flashed through the blonde's head and he couldn't help but shut his eyes tightly, his teeth drawing blood from his lower lip. He couldn't do this - as if to remind him that he had no choice in the matter his left arm burned, whether it was subconscious or not Draco couldn't help but let out a pathetic whimper of fear.
    Did that really come off as surprise? It was not as if the two families were known to get along - she would not blame the twins if they wanted nothing to do with her. "I just figured..." The girl allowed herself to simply trail off, knowing that the Weasley twin probably already understood her thought process. It was clear wasn't it? Ainsley may not of been like her parents, but she was still their child and many wizards had a hard time looking passed her blood-line. She could not hold it against anyone, it was not as if she was naive to the tragedy and fear her father brought to many families. Fortunately, she was learning that the twins, or George at least, were willing to look passed her father's wrongdoings and accept her company - it was a pleasant feeling.

    The mention of George's parents made the small girl frown, her teeth abusing her lower lip. He wanted her to go to the Weasley home? What would her mother think? Her father would definitely have her head for that one. "I..." She started, fidgeting uncomfortably. It wasn't that she didn't want to, part of her was curious, but she knew her parents would frown upon this. It was bad enough that she went back to talk to the boys, but now she would be introduced to the head of house - two people Theordore Maddox despised almost as much as he loathed muggle; they discredited the whole wizard race. "I wouldn't want to intrude," She murmured, keeping her gaze on the shop floor. "Wouldn't your mother mind me showing up unannounced?" Her mother would, she hated change at the last minute. The girl wasn't quite sure if she would be welcomed. Ainsley knew her father wasn't particularly kind to Mr. Weasley - so she had a difficult time grasping that he would even allow her to step foot into his home, much less keep it under wraps. "I don't want to be a hassle," She fumbled for an excuse, although she truly was curious to join the boys - she wanted to see how their families differed, she wanted to make her own decisions - but she still felt anxious, afraid that her parents may find out somehow.
    December 16th, 2014 at 01:35am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (It was perf, don't worry!)

    George tried not to laugh at the thought that his Mum would be displeased with a last-minute visitor. His Mum had never complained about unexpected company - she had, however, complained when he, Fred and Ron went to save Harry, but that was only because they disappeared without announcing it and they had used their Dad's flying Muggle car to do so. But, the idea of company? He couldn't imagine his Mum ever complaining about that; his Mum wasn't that type of person, full-blooded witch or not. It was admirable, in his opinion, and the morals from his parents had mostly managed to be passed down to him and his siblings. "No, actually, I'm certain that she would love extra company. Can't imagine she loves seeing only us every day, after all," he joked lightly, grinning broadly down at the girl.

    It was then that Fred returned with the feed, arching an eyebrow as he looked at the two. "What's going on?" he asked, to which George wasted no time in explaining, "I'm just trying to convince Ainsley here to join us for lunch at Mum and Dad's. She thinks she'll be a hassle, though - which, of course, is untrue. Nobody could be more of a hassle than us, Fred." Fred grinned at the mention of it. "Right you are, George," he chimed before looking to Ainsley, shifting the feed in his arms to where he could hold it more comfortably, "You're welcome to join us. Nobody will mind, we promise." Well, at least nobody in their family would mind; they couldn't say the same for her family, but they would make sure that nobody else found out about it, for Ainsley's sake.
    "What do you suppose happened?" Harry asked as the group sat in the common room. In honesty, Lena tired of the speculations everybody was throwing around. Rubbing at her temples, the girl let out a sigh and stood up. "Well, I'm certain you'll find out, Harry. For now, though, instead of sitting around and assuming that this or that happened, I'm going to go wander around for a bit, try to clear my head," she announced, frowning as she made her way out of the common room and down the stair cases and corridors. She wasn't entirely sure where she was going or what she would do, but she was almost certain that whatever happened to the girl wouldn't be the only tormenting event of the year - anything like this never happened just once a year, after all. She wanted to be prepared, but, for that, she needed to think straight.

    Her footsteps paused outside the library and she peered into the door, almost relieved with the absence of people in there. Slipping in, she glanced around, only a little surprised that she couldn't see anybody - but, then, everybody else were hiding away in their common rooms, either contemplating the events or expecting to be the next victim. She took a few steps further into the library, only to hear a noise that caused her to freeze. So, the library wasn't empty after all. She debated on turning and escaping, but she walked in the direction of the noise instead, blinking as she passed a few aisles until she came to the one that hid Malfoy. "Malfoy?" she muttered with surprise before taking in his appearance. "Did that noise come from you? Are you alright?"
    December 16th, 2014 at 02:10am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    The blonde's eyes were still tightly shut as he tried to focus on his breathing, using techniques his mother taught him when his first panic attack arose earlier that year in the summer - unfortunately it didn't seem to be subsiding. This was not cold feet like it had been beforehand - he could have been the cause of a classmate's death. Now a Death Eater he knew things like death shouldn't phase him, but it made him sick to his stomach. How was he supposed to do this? The guilt would eat him from the inside, he would become a shell of his former self. A voice, one that was familiar, broke the boy from mid breakdown as his eyes quickly opened to stare at the girl with a mix of horror and annoyance. How long had she lingered just a few feet from him? He swore he was alone, he made sure of it. He should have escaped to The Room of Requirement - he should have figured his solitude would be interrupted. Did it really have to be Lena? Merlin really had it out for him.

    Trying, but horribly failing, Malfoy tried to mask his emotions - tried his very best to sneer at the girl, "What are you doing here, Latton?" He spat, taking a few steps back so he wouldn't be so close to her. "Can't you mind your own business for once." Though his eyes were narrowed, his voice was shaky with his overloading emotions. Turning his back to the girl he cleared his throat, "That girl...Is she alright?" He tried to keep his voice even, but his posture remained rigid as he awaited an answer. After the curse took it's effect on his fellow school mate he didn't stick around to see the aftermath - he nearly broke down at the sight, hence why he quickly ducked into the formerly vacant library.
    It was uncanny how the two families differed - Ainsley could just picture her mother's face if she were to bring one of the Weasley's offspring into their manor, the girl would probably be shipped off to France to live with her great aunt before she could even mutter an apologize. Silently she wondered how different her life would be if her mother was more like Mrs. Weasley, but almost instantly felt guilty about her thoughts. Her mother was a well respected witch in the community with a blood line that went back for centuries - Ainsley didn't have the right to question her mother's parenting. Despite her growing anxiety over the situation the girl returned George's grin, finding his to be absolutely contagious.

    Her grin fell into a small smile as she listened to the twins interact with each other, part of her wishing she held a bond like that with her own brother, "I can take that, if you would like." She offered, referring to the feed that was settled in Fred's arms. She doubted he enjoyed carrying the feed and once more she couldn't stand the idea of being a hassle in anyway - she was raised to please, not complicate things. Her father viewed women as objects - meant to be easy on the eyes, meant to follow orders, meant to be seen not hard - barbaric rituals, but ones that were hard to shake after years of being raised on them. The appropriate action the girl should have taken was politely declining the offer from the twins and take her leave as quickly as her short legs could muster - it would please her parents, but it wasn't what she wanted. "As long as you're sure I would not be nuisance." She finally agreed, trying not to seem too eager for the experience. "I would very much enjoy accompanying the two of you," Meekly she smiled up at the two, trying to ignore the pessimistic thoughts that weighed down her mind.
    December 16th, 2014 at 05:39am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Seeing that she had returned his grin, George couldn't help but notice how it suited her more than the small smile she offered soon after. He kept that bit of information to himself, though, because thinking things along the lines of that were usually meant for his internal understanding first before it became an outward opinion - and he didn't quite understand it yet. Hearing her offer to take the feed, Fred shook his head. "No, that's quite alright; since you'll be joining us, we can just leave it here and come back to get it before you head home," he offered with a smile as he set the feed down. George was a bit more excited about Ainsley joining them - perhaps they could get her to open up more, get her to be more herself than the usual Maddox that he was certain she had to act like. Maybe they could get her to come out of her shell, even just a little bit more.

    "Shall we Apparate there, then?" George offered with an arched eyebrow, watching as his brother locked up the shop with a flick of his wand. They were clearly ready to head home and enjoy their Mum's cooking, their Dad's jokes, and Ainsley's presence. They just hoped that she would enjoy herself as much as they wanted her to; they couldn't be entirely sure, though. Shrugging the thought aside, George offered his elbow to Ainsley. "The three of us can Apparate together." Because it was easier that way - plus, the charms around their home prevented anybody from coming there except those who were permitted to. It was safer that way - which meant it was also safer for Ainsley there, he realized but did not mention. "Ready?" The twins grinned down at her, Fred ready to Apparate them, his hand on his brother's shoulder, though they were waiting for the girl's approval, because she may have already gotten second thoughts about it, may have regretted the very thought of agreeing to going to their Mum and Dad's for a meal. "You'll love Mum's food, I'm sure." That was George, trying to calm whatever nerves she might have.
    She should be used to it by now, Lena knew - used to the annoyance that seemed to envelop Dra - Malfoy when she came around. But, even now, after a while had passed since their break-up, it still hurt. Regardless, she shoved it away and shifted to look to the books, afraid that looking at him for too long would just make him all the more annoyed with her. Why did she have to care so much about this git? "I actually only came in here because I thought nobody was in here. Don't flatter yourself in thinking that I came in here solely to intrude on your business," she said simply, shifting from foot to foot in an anxious manner in hopes of keeping her emotions out of her voice.

    Then he brought up the girl, causing her to look at him again. "As far as I know, she's probably okay." She didn't know for sure, but students at the school had gone through terrible things before and survived it. "I mean, we haven't gotten any news about death or anything and she seemed a bit better when they first took her away, so I'm assuming she's okay - or that she will be, at least." She tried to ignore Malfoy's posture and his shaky voice, tried to avoid being curious about it all because he already hated her - no need to add to that hatred, right? Still, maybe spending so much time with Harry and the others since the break-up was starting to rub off on her. "Are you worried about her? I'm sure she's fine." She managed a small smile, trying to reassure him, but his back was faced towards her, so maybe her efforts were wasted. Whatever the case, she turned her attention back to the books around her, debating on searching for anything for defense techniques, spells, things of the sort, but also not wanting to really dawdle in the aisle for too long.
    December 16th, 2014 at 06:03am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    "I don't give a damn about that girl," Malfoy tried to sneer, but the crack in his voice mid-sentence deceived him, his fists clenching at his sides. For the time being he could relax - the girl was not lifeless, but still Dumbledore was breathing. The blonde felt bile burn the back of his throat at the idea of having to attempt to kill the headmaster. He never particularly cared for the old fool, but the young Malfoy wasn't like his father. He couldn't stomach the idea of killing somebody - Merlin, weeks ago he was reduced to tears when he learned he was the cause of a bird's death. He was chosen! This was his mission, this was his time to prove himself. He was not a coward, he could be somebody - yet he allowed trivial emotions to hold him back.

    Severus probably already informed The Dark Lord about his mistake, greedy for brownie points from the lord, his careless mistake, and the idea of what consequence could be in store for him, or worse his unfortunate mother, sent a shiver of fear down the boy's back. In the beginning Malfoy had been so proud of his task, but he knew it wasn't given to him out of respect - The Dark Lord expected him to fail, he wanted the Malfoy family to pay for their mistakes - he was using the son against them, wanted him to be their downfall. "La...Lena?" Biting at the skin of his inner cheek Draco ran a hand through his tousled hair - the blonde strands standing messy atop of his head. Malfoy didn't know what to say, but he needed to relieve some of the pressure in his chest. He needed somebody to promise him it was okay, that he wasn't a terrible person. He needed reassurance - he needed Lena. In the short year that the two had been together he didn't feel like as if he resided in his father's shadow he felt like his own person, she understood him. "I.." Part of the boy wanted to confess everything that had happened to him in the past months to her in that moment, but the words refused to pass his lips. So instead he cleared his throat and focused his gaze on the bookshelves, "I apologize for the first day, for the things that I said to you."
    The twin's effort to ease her racing nerves did nothing but make the girl smile with no humor - it wasn't really their mother's cooking she was stressing over. No, no... Numerous outcomes of the night were confronting her cynical mind. How would this reflect to her parents? Must certainly she would be blasted off from the family tree, labeled an embarrassment - or worse, a blood traitor. Ainsley ought to decline the offer and make her leave quickly, forgetting all about this expedition; brush it off as foolish curiosity - but she couldn't. Opening her mouth she intended to make up a weak excuse, but the words fell limp, "Your mother cooks?" She supplied after a moment of awkward silence from her part, that felt like eternity, partially curious. Her mother never cooked for the family - one of their house elves, Mitzi, did all of the cooking. It was a naive, but she thought all wizarding families operated in that fashion; most manors her family visited all forced their house elves to cook for them, it was odd to think otherwise.

    Not giving herself an opportunity to back out Ainsley cautiously permitted herself to gingerly take the ginger's awaiting elbow, her body shuffling a little closer to his own. The brunette did not enjoy the acting Apparating - it always set her nerves on edge. The first few times, six to be exact, she Apparated she heaved up all of her stomach's contents - though her teacher reassured her it was normal for any witch or wizard, her father still saw her as a weakling for it. "Ready." She answered the two boys, nervously grinning up at them.

    @ momentai.
    December 18th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Mum's the best cook we know," George confirmed with a broad grin before turning to Fred and nodding when they got the affirmation that Ainsley was ready to go. Neither of the twins needed to be told twice. Fred Apparated them to their Mum and Dad's, the group appearing in the living room. The act always left the two just a bit dizzy, though it didn't last for two long and George looked down at Ainsley, eyeing her with curiosity. "Are you alright, Ainsley?" he asked, wondering if Apparating affected her the same way it did others like himself and his brother. Then again, not many people liked admitting to things like that. Some people considered it as a weakness, a disgrace; others were purely disappointed in themselves.

    Before long, he heard his Mum's voice ringing through the building. "Fred? George? Is that you?" the woman's voice came and he could hear the approaching footsteps. It was only when she got to the opening between the living room and the next room that the twins grinned. "Yeah, Mum, it's us," the twins chimed together, though her attention had fallen to Ainsley. "Oh, and who do we have here? Did one of you boys finally get yourselves a nice girl to bring home?" Mrs. Weasley asked, purely curious, but the sudden question caused both twins to sputter. Clearing his throat, George was the one to answer, "No, Mum, this is our newest friend."
    Lena froze as she listened to him, not because of his apology, but because he had used her first name and it brought back too many memories of hushed whispers and secret rendezvous moments. The memories made her heart constrict and tighten and she couldn't help but to clench her fist in hopes of trying to control the pain that it all caused. Swallowing down her emotions, she frowned and turned to him, brows furrowed as she stared at him, contemplating just what she should - or even could - say to him. After a moment, she let out a quiet sigh and looked away from him in hopes of clearing her mind, but finding it difficult to do so regardless.

    "Why are you suddenly apologizing, Draco?" she finally asked, his name catching in her throat and her voice cracking. Closing her eyes tightly, she swallowed again, mostly in hopes of moistening her throat, before she spoke again. "I don't think that's very fair, to throw everything at me and then suddenly apologize. So, why? Why are you apologizing out of nowhere when you seemed pretty confident about everything before?" She paused for a moment before turning to look at him again, eyes wide with curiosity and confusion. "What's going on, Draco?"
    December 18th, 2014 at 04:09am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    The blonde half expected the girl to curse at him, or possibly even rush away from his tense form. He was well aware of the fact that he was the last person who deserved her forgiveness - he didn't even deserve to be in her presence, not after the nasty words Malfoy, his friends as well, spat at her. "I-," His voice cracked under the pressure of his raging emotions, his frantically beating heart. What did he think this would accomplish? "I don't know," The boy answered her question, his voice broken and tired - his stress evident. He didn't know what to tell the girl - there were so many things she needed to know, but couldn't. It wasn't safe. She could be in danger, he could be in danger. After a moment of hesitation the boy turned to finally face the girl, "It was never a joke to me." His blue eyes met the girl's, his blue orbs narrowed slightly in concentration as he studied her expression. "You were never a joke." He clarified, his voice hushed in fear that an outsider might overhear the great Malfoy associating with somebody like Latton. Clearly anxious the blonde, who was trying to desperately mask his emotions, took in their surroundings - thankful that they still seemed to be the only two in the area. "Those were things I had to say to you, to keep you safe," His voice was practically a whisper as he cautiously took a few steps closer to the girl. "Hogwarts isn't safe anymore, Lena." He warned, his fearful eyes meeting Latton's confused ones. The blonde left so many questions unanswered, but he hoped Lena understood. There were only so many things he could say - he could be murdered for just the few things he had muttered.
    Apparating left the pitiful girl feeling somewhat nauseous, her cranium swirling, "I'm fine," She whispered her lie, shrinking back in fear of judgement. She knew the Weasley twins were far from her family, but she still worried greatly over doing the wrong thing - showing weakness to such trivial actions would be deemed a disgrace to her family. She was a Maddox, she was meant to be strong - not weak like a pathetic muggle. Fortunately the ill feeling didn't last long, but her stomach was still tight with a bundle of nerves. She was in the home of the Weasleys - muggle lovers, blood traitors, abominations. Her skin burned at the thought of her father's anger, her mother's disappointment, her brother's eagerness to punish her wrongdoings - she could just feel the disgusted glares, her stomach churning uncomfortably. She tried to distract her by taking in her new environment; it was different from her manor.

    That was an understatement, however. She knew the Weasley's were not as opulent as her own family, she heard many stories from her father or Lucius Malfoy, but she couldn't help but marvel at their home. She wasn't sure what she she originally expected, but this wasn't it by an means. It was cozy, it held an aura that just felt like home - she found herself feeling envious once more. Three seconds in the home and she already enjoyed it more than her own home - which felt dark and damp in comparison. Ainsley made a move to shuffle forward to inspect curiously, but an unfamiliar voice caused her quickly retreat until her smaller body was somewhat hidden behind George's. Keeping her frame close to George's, the twin she felt more comfortable with, side she cautiously scrutinized the middle-aged woman. She seemed friendly, but she was still cautious. Her cheeks burned at the woman's curiosity - she didn't even stop to think of how this might look to somebody! Oh, if word got back to her parents...but it wouldn't, she reminded herself. Being referred to as a friend made the petite girl smile some - friend, she never truly had a friend before. Not wanting Mrs. Weasley to think lowly of her she pried herself away from the twin's side and smiled timidly, "Hello, ma'am." She greeted, her teeth attaching itself to her lower lip. "My name is Ainsley," Much like she had when she first met the twins she thought about excluding her surname, but shame filled her like a slap. She shouldn't be ashamed - her parents were powerful. "Ainsley Maddox," Her eyes quickly met the floor beneath her, her heart beating rapidly in her rib cage. "It's a, um, a pleasure to meet you."

    @ momentai.
    December 18th, 2014 at 04:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    George watched his mother, waiting for her reaction, but he was grateful to see that his mother had reacted how he had been expecting. The woman smiled kindly and nodded as she made her way over to the group. Relief almost flooded the twins when they noticed their mother pull Ainsley into a hug. "Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Ainsley!" the woman gushed eagerly before pulling away, her eyes scanning the girl. "I'm Molly, or Mrs. Weasley, whichever you would prefer to call me. I hope my boys haven't caused too much trouble for you - or that they didn't force you here." She wouldn't put it past the twins, that was certain. Admittedly, the girl's last name caught Mrs. Weasley off guard a bit, but if her sons were okay with this girl, then she must not be like the rest of her family - she had good faith in her children, knowing that she had raised them as well as she could manage to. Besides, the girl seemed pleasant to be around and she seemed nice enough, despite that she seemed a bit cautious - which, she supposed, was only natural when raised in a family that was meant to hate families like the Weasleys. "I hope you have a big appetite, Ainsley; I was just getting started on cooking dessert."

    The woman smiled pleasantly, almost tempted to invite the girl to help, but she didn't want to overstep her boundaries; plus, she was certain that the girl would be a bit nervous about it all, since most families relied on house elves. "Come, come, children, you can give me company in the kitchen," she invited, gesturing for them to follow. "I suppose Dad's a bit busy right now," George assumed before grinning down at Ainsley and gesturing with his head, "Come along, Ainsley. Might as well get the full enjoyment of being here the first time." Not that he was certain it wouldn't be her last time there; she might decide that it wasn't worth her time. Regardless, the Weasleys led the way into the kitchen, George waiting to see if Ainsley would follow.
    Everything he was saying was taking a while for the girl to process, especially with her heart beating tattoos against her chest, the noise flooding her ears. Lifting her eyes, Lena stared at him in either shock or wonder, she wasn't sure since she was finding it difficult to distinguish her emotions and thoughts clearly. "It wasn't a joke," she repeated quietly to herself, as if trying to make it easier for her to absorb everything. Part of her almost felt hopeful, as if there was even the slightest possibility that they could somehow end up back together. But, then her attention got brought back to what he was saying. "Safe? Hogwarts has never been safe, Draco." And then things started to make more sense, everything fell into place in her mind. "Things are getting worse, aren't they? Anything that you say now about whatever is going on is only going to get worse, right?" Her own words were just making her all the more confused and the fact that he was closer now than he had been earlier was just making her mind become all the more jumbled. Part of her wanted to concentrate on the fact that everything between them hadn't been a joke to him, but the other part was trying to gauge just how dangerous things were if he had said all those things because nothing was safe. After a moment, she rubbed at her temples to calm her mind. "I appreciate that you were trying to keep me safe, Draco, I do, but... But I can protect myself, you know."
    December 18th, 2014 at 05:26am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    "You don't understand," The blonde couldn't help but feel exasperated, his head pounding with an oncoming headache. A year ago the Slytherin would have been confident in Lena's abilities, but he was no present in the meetings, he was now well aware of how bad everything was becoming. Lena Latton, along with every other mud blood muggle born, were in terrible danger. It was no secret, but Voldemort was steadily gaining power - his follower count was increasing. "You can't protect yourself." In a few months he would be leading Death Eaters into the school, but he couldn't admit it. He couldn't find the words - he wasn't ready for her to hate him again. "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."

    His words were rushed, his hand awkwardly finding Lena's shoulder - his palm burning at the mere contact. It was difficult being so close to the girl - he just wanted to hug her smaller body close, press his lips against her soft ones. Concentration, he needed to stay on track. "I pushed you away for a reason." He murmured, allowing his hand to fall limply to his side. Tears burned the corners of the blonde's eyes but hastily the boy blinked them away, "I'm not somebody you should be seen around. It isn't safe." It isn't safe. That was an understatement. If Lena was linked with the young Malfoy Voldemort could easily kill her or use her against the boy - or her friends could turn on her after his task was completed. People could blame her, she would get the backlash. The last thing Draco wanted was Lena to be hurt, or thought badly of - she was too good for all that. "I'm not the same person I was last year, Latton." His voice cracked, his left arm burning subconsciously as a silent reminder. He would never be the same, not after all of this, he would be a shell of a man wracked with guilt. "Everything would be better if you hated me, Potter has the right idea." Malfoy couldn't say much more, but he desperately hoped that she understood why he ended things the way he did - hoped she would no longer hold it against him.
    The last outcome Ainsley expected was to her have her body pressed against Mrs. Weasley's - no, no she never even considered that. Why hadn't the woman thrown her out? Her frigid body relaxed for a second as she awkwardly returned the embrace, her cheeks still a light shade of pink. "No, no they're wonderful." Despite her nerves the girl allowed herself to smile, deciding that she rather enjoyed the twin's mother. She was a sweet woman - a little intimidating, but sweet. The brunette couldn't help but feel envious that her mother wasn't the same; poor Ainsley couldn't quite place when the last time her own mother hugged her - she was luck if Mrs. Maddox even spared her a glance, she was constantly hidden in Dominik's shadow.

    Admittedly, even though Molly seemed welcoming, Ainsley couldn't help but shake her apprehension. This was all rolling too smoothly - she was afraid her brother would appear out of nowhere. Would he harm the happy family? Ainsley couldn't stop the small frown that made it's way to her features - the last thing she wanted was something to happen to one of the Weasleys because of her brother. Meeting George's eyes she forced the thoughts out of her mind and hurriedly shuffled behind the boy's, "You mum is quite lovely," Ainsley complimented with a small smile, it was a genuine compliment. How could anyone think ill of the ginger woman? Once in the kitchen the brunette remained by George's side, her teeth catching her lower lip as her blue eyes took in her surroundings curiously. It differed so much from her own home - but in the most spectacular way. She felt strange just standing around, the creeping feeling that she was nuisance lingering in her chaotic mind, "Mrs. Weasley, do you need help with anything?" She offered softly - granted she had no experience in the kitchen, but she felt terrible making the other woman do all of the work - plus she couldn't help but feel the slightest bit curious.

    @ momentai.
    December 18th, 2014 at 05:59am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Mrs. Weasley smiled slightly at Ainsley offer, having not expected it, but thankful for it, anyways. "Well, get over here, then, child!" she urged with a quiet laugh, "You can help me make these boys' favorite dessert. I'm sure they'd enjoy it." At the mention of their favorite dessert, the twins easily perked up a bit - as if they weren't cheerful enough already. Mrs. Weasley was fairly amused with the change, but she turned her attention to Ainsley and began explaining what the two of them needed to do as she began gathering the ingredients that they would need. The twins watched with faint amusement and George couldn't help but chime, "Maybe if you get the flour out, Fred and I can have some fun with it." It wasn't rare for the two to commence in slight food fights - and, on top of that, they could probably talk Ainsley into joining in on it, too (or just keep pouring flour onto her until she reacted in a fun enough way that would get her to open up a bit more.) But neither of the boys mentioned any of this.

    No, they wanted to enjoy themselves, and they wanted Ainsley to enjoy herself. "If Mum gets a bit too bossy in there, don't be afraid to mention it. She's kind of diligent about cooking," George told Ainsley with a grin as he and Fred went ahead to join in to help with the meal as well. They couldn't really bake or anything, but they were good at mixing things - otherwise a lot of their pranks would have sucked. Not that either of them needed to mention that. "Don't let either of those silly boys get 'hold of the flour, Ainsley. They're probably plotting away already, as usual," Mrs. Weasley hummed out with slight amusement before she shook her head.
    It pained Lena's heart to hear everything Draco was saying, especially to hear him talking so poorly of himself. "Don't you get it yet, Draco?" she asked quietly as she stared up at him, "I don't care what's changed about you. I don't care if everything would be better if I hated you. I can't hate you - believe me, I tried. I tried forcing myself to hate you for ages and it just doesn't work that way." She chewed on her lip after she spoke, letting her words play over in her head, almost as if she was worried that she might have said something wrong or that she hadn't said everything that she wanted to. But how was she supposed to make him understand anything of what she thought? "You say that you don't know what you'd do if something happened to me. But how do you think I would feel if something happened to you?" With a frown, she looked up at him. "It would devestate me, Draco - and just hearing you talk so poorly about yourself is painful enough."

    She understood now why things had come to an end for them, that things weren't the same, that things weren't safe, that he had probably joined the Death Eaters just like his parents, but, even though she almost wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to hate him. Whether it was stupid or not, she just wished he would stop distancing himself. That likely wouldn't happen, though (and she supposed she could understand why,) and she let out a sigh. "I wish you would have told me all of this in the beginning, you daft loon."
    December 18th, 2014 at 06:25am