The Oddest Couple

  • [thought I replied to this >_<]

    Bucky laughed, "you don't have to be gentle with me.. Maybe I should be gentle with you." He winked at her and pinched her ass gently, "I know they have, I've had some fun times with ladies of this century. I'm not like Steve you know." Bucky laughed, "well as long as you're in the flight with me I won't mind commercial"
    April 14th, 2015 at 05:47am
  • (It's all good)

    Natasha smirked at Bucky pinching her. "There there, lover boy, keep your hands to yourself." She was glad that Bucky was every bit nothing like Steve. She knew that if he was, she wouldn't be around him for much longer and only use him when she absolutely needed to. This was a wonderful change from all the do gooders that she had been spending time with as of late.

    Once in the car Natasha wasted no time on placing a hand on Bucky's lap. Slowly grazing her nails up and down his thigh. Sure, he may have been with other women of this time, but there was no woman like Natasha. She knew that with that wonderful New York traffic it would take her about half an hour to get to the airport. That would be more than enough time to tease Bucky into wanting to just take her. But she wouldn't give in. No, she loved the tease and the chase. And it was more fun this way anyways.
    Natasha's eyes were on the road. While she was going to tease Bucky the entire way there, she still needed to drive them there in one piece.
    April 14th, 2015 at 08:26pm
  • Bucky laughed, "it's hard do do that when you tease me like that, I'm sure you've been called that many times." He took a seat on the passengers side and sighed softly. He looked down as Natasha was running he hands all over his legs, "look who can keep their hands to themselves.." He winked. "If you keep doing that I may have you pull over.. I know that's not what you want.." He grinned. The girl was hot and not just physically everything about her once. He wanted her.
    April 15th, 2015 at 06:44am
  • "A tease is one of the nicer things that I've been called." Natasha's finger tips grazed over Bucky's groin, before she pulled her hand away and placed it in the steering wheel. She really hadn't expected any of this to go this way, but with Bucky near her, it was impossible to keep her hands off him. He was something rare and she just wanted to be all over that.

    "So did you want a briefing of what we are getting in to or do you just want to go in there blind and hope for the best." She smirked at him.
    April 30th, 2015 at 08:06pm
  • Bucky chuckled, "is that so? " he watched her fingers roll over his pants. "You need to stop that, I don't enjoy being teased very much. Especially when I know I can't do anything about it" he grinned.

    Bucky was quite for a moment and looked up when Natasha spoke up, "that would be good, yes just tell me everything. I'm not big fan of surprises."
    May 2nd, 2015 at 04:00pm
  • Natasha smirked at Bucky. "And what will you do if I keep teasing you." She was greatly enjoying this. Everyone else that she currently spent time with were complete prudes, so it was nice to know that she could do these kind of things and get an actual challenge out of it.

    Natasha nodded. "A new assassin has been trained.... she's like me. We need to stop her. Free her from their grasp. I thought they had stopped, until I started hearing whispers of a new spy assassin out of Kiev. I did some digging around and found out that the people that trained me were still operating and making more assassins."
    May 3rd, 2015 at 08:19pm
  • Bucky chuckled, "now if I tell you that it won't be a surprise" he reached over and rubbed her thigh."I can be a tease too " he smirked. He liked the way Natasha was an interesting woman with an interesting background,

    He looked over and nodded as he listened to Natasha talk about what their mission would be."so you want me to help you stop them?" Bucky asked her once last time. "What exactly are we doing?"
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:32pm
  • [::Cute:]
    May 27th, 2015 at 11:53pm