50 Shades of You

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    Amalie Orwealth/Jinx...


    Jaycent Ivory/Kiara_Pride
    December 17th, 2015 at 06:31am
  • @ Kiara_Pride
    Amalie was waiting for her turn to go into the office. It was a the human relations office of Ivory Towers. The largest and most influential of businesses in the north perhaps even the entire United States. She was nervous but confident about this interview with Mark Lecoskey. He was head of the team that made sure that the image of Ivory Towers as a business was seen as only the best of everything. Amalie knew if she could get a job here for a year that she would be set up to work anywhere that she wanted too. A tall redhead walked out and called her name. "May I bring you some coffee while you wait?" she asked and Amalie shook her head. "No thank you." she said and was shown into the next conference room. She sat in a chair and shrugged out of her jacket laying it across the back of the seat. She sat silently reviewing over and over in her head the points she knew would make her the candidate to stand alone from the others. Having just graduated she didn't have experience so it took so much more for her to get this chance. Mark walked in and Amalie stood and walked to him as he approached her. The man was shorter than her in her heels which was not something she had accounted for. His dull blonde hair was combed over the obvious growing bald spot. He was pretty young to look so old really but with he bags under his eyes she realized that if she did get the job that she was going to work hard for to keep it. Amalie grasped his hand matching his handshake creating him and introducing herself though he knew who she was. "We spoke over the phone on Thursday." she said and he nodded as if he remembered. She could feel his eyes moving over her. She felt completely out of place having seen that all the other women here where redheads and the people applying for this job where mostly men. Mark usurped her into her seat and sat beside her. "Tell me Amalie... can I call you Amalie?" he asked and she shifted in her seat giving him a reluctant smile as he continued. "Why are you the best candidate?" he asked looking down at his notes over his overly large glasses revealing his small brown eyes. "Well Mr. Lecoskey..." She started and he interrupted her touching her hand. "Please call me Mark." he said and she blinked received as he took his hand back. She looked back at him. "Alright... Mark." she tested it on her tongue not liking how it felt. She rolled her shoulders back squaring them as she reminded herself of the prize. She smiled and looked at him again. "Being fresh out of college I have the drive and the creative ability to bring a new and exciting edge to this company that will keep Ivory Towers at the head of the industry." she said about to continued when he smirked and nodded. "Yes fresh." he said and Amalie's skin crawled. She swallowed a bile rising in the back of her throat. She crossed her legs feeling uncomfortable. She cleared her throat and continued. "To say the least I will be an invaluable asset to your team." Amalie said.
    They continued to talk and the innuendos continued. She looked at the time then at the door wondering how much longer he would continue this behavior until he got the hint. It was as she was thinking that that his hand slipped onto her thigh and ran down to knee. She pushed his hand standing up. "Excuse you Mr. Lecoskey. That is enough from you. I don't know how things are run in your department but I don't want to work for someone as unprofessional and discriminatory as you." she said and grabbed her things and rushed out of the room. She stood at the elevators nearly stumbling into them. She pressed her back to the cool reflective wall of the elevator as she held onto the last of her strength. Never had she ever been treated like that as outright as that man had treated her just then.
    Amalia rushed out of the elevator and toward the doors her heels clicking on the marble not even have realized that there had been someone in the elevator with her. She walked to the glass doors and pushed it open turning to shut the door because of her anger and she ended up using the door to hit the man that was walking out after her. She got him in the nose. She gasped and put her hands over her nose and mouth having dropped her things. Her eyes teared up the perfect mistake to put a cherry on top of her already frayed emotions. "I am so sorry." she said her voice breaking. Then the man looked at her with those eyes and she froze all of the day melting away as the heat rose into her ears making them turn red. She swallowed waiting for him to speak her eyes wide. Then he did and his voice was as smooth as honey slipping over her spreading fire through to her core. She stood there as he seemed to refuse to acknowledge what she had just done to him. He seemed was more concerned with why she looked ready to cry and why she was angrily leaving his building though his exact words where lost in the pounding of her heart in her ears. She looked down as he mentioned her things on the ground and she bent picking them up following as he lead her back inside. She didn't understand why he was leading her back inside or even why she was following him. He walked to the counter where a receptionist was and gave her commands before he walked away. Amalie watched him go then looked at the redhead who jumped up to take Amalie up to a giant office at the top of the building. There she saw two more beautiful redheads and a massive wooden door that one of the receptionists opened for her as the other took her things. She walked into the office and was handed a water as she sat on the black leather chair in front of the huge desk. The room was so light in comparison to the black furniture because of the huge wall to wall windows. She looked out seeing the city stretching out as far as her eye could see. How had she ended up here? Amalie looked up as the doors opened again and she set the glass down and stood. It was then that she realized who she had hit in the face with the door. She felt her ears once again burn.
    December 17th, 2015 at 07:53am