Long Stretch of Love

  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katie & Ewan
    Ally & Daniel
    February 15th, 2016 at 02:56pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie sighed to herself as she walked through the doors of her restaurant. Things lately for her had been nothing but busyness; which was good, no doubt, just always going. When she walked in, she saw a couple of employees staggering to get things moving along. It had always been amusing to her how people would get so nervous when she came around, especially since she was such a nice and sincere person/boss. Smirking to herself, Katie moved along, making her way into the kitchen where she was greeted by her head chef. "Marcus." She said with a smile. "How's it going?" She asked him. A bigger smile spread across her face as she listened to the middle-aged gentleman go on and on about some of the waiters and waitresses and how their only focus was each other and not the 'precious' food. Laughing lightly, Katie walked over to him and smiled. "You're doing a good job, just focus on that. I'll deal with those kids." She smiled before walking around the rest of the kitchen, giving a soft hello to each employee who was there. Once she was completely satisfied with everything in the kitchen, Katie walked out, going over to the restaurant's bar. She got behind the counter and started helping out Adam, the restaurant's best bartender. OF course tonight would be one of the busiest nights, it was a Friday, and in this town every Friday night was always busy.

    Daniel smirked to himself as he strolled the city. It was the first night in forever that he wasn't wrapped up in something with his current TV Show, The Originals, and was just allowed to relax. He decided since it was in fact a Friday night, he was going to do nothing more than get a group of friends together, go venture through the town, and just enjoy the city life. As he made his way down the streets on the city, several people noticed who it was and instantly wanted a picture or even autograph. Knowing his fans meant no harm, Daniel graciously accepted the time to take pictures with these people and even sign something that they had currently on them. When he was done with that, he made his way with his friends, deciding to stop at this restaurant that he had heard nothing but great things about. When he walked in, Daniel was completely amazed at the number of people in the place, but what really struck him was how big this restaurant was. Going up to the hostess, he quickly had a table for him and his group. Sitting down, Daniel looked over the menu deciding on what to get. As he sat there, he couldn't help but observe the place around him. There was something about this place that was definitely appealing, he just didn't know what it was that gave him that feeling. While looking around at the place and everyone in it, Daniel quickly recognized other celebrities he knew - Robert Downey Jr., Ian Somerhalder, even Ewan McGregor.

    @ elijah mikaelson;
    February 16th, 2016 at 12:40am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ally finished her final practice session as she took and smiled at her band mates and the roadies that were always there to help them out. She walked off the stage and quickly changed into her evening attire. She headed out of the venue where she was to perform the next night. While she was off tonight she was going to enjoy some down time with her best friend, Katie. She smiled as the limo came to a stop outside of the restaurant. She smiled climbing out as she headed for the door. She saw some fans as she took a picture with the teenage girls and signed their things. She walked inside glancing around. She saw some famous people and smiled before going over to the bar. "There's my main squeeze." She giggled as she lent across the bar and hugged Katie. "Need any help? You know this old country gal still has tricks up her sleeves." She grinned at her friend and smiled.
    Ewan sat at the table with Robert as they chatted about random things. He noticed Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed sitting together at a table enjoying each other. He noticed Daniel Gillies sitting alone. "We should invite him over, Robert." Ewan told his friend as he got up and walked over to the table. "Want to join us Daniel?" He questioned the gentleman. He scanned the place and noticed a beautiful brunette talking with a blonde. He couldn't help but to smile at the beautiful brunette. He took and smiled to himself before turning his attention to Daniel.

    @ Country Cutie
    February 16th, 2016 at 01:40am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie was busy at the bar getting an older man a glass of scotch when she heard a very familiar voice. Smiling over to see her best friend Ally making her way over to the bar, Katie turned back to the older man giving him his drink before moving over to Ally. Quickly hugging Ally, Katie pulled back looking at the blonde. "Well if you would like to help, that would be wonderful." She said as she looked over to Adam who nodded. "I'd love to have Ally back here." Adam stated with his charming smile. "Great!" Katie exclaimed as she moved aside to let Ally walk back behind the bar. "Is there anything you want to eat? I'll have Marcus cook it up, just let me know." She stated to her before walking away from the bar. She walked around to the different customers, smiling and asking each of them how they were enjoying their evening.

    When Robert asked if he wanted to join them, Daniel couldn't help but smile a little. He was truly honored. "Um...sure." He said as he pulled up a chair to the table. Nodding to Ian and Nikki, Daniel smiled and said hello. He then looked over towards the bar, taking a quick note of two lovely girls. He thought the brunette behind the bar was cute, but the blonde, wow was he instantly attracted to her. When he noticed the brunette leave the bar and walk around asking everyone how they were enjoying themselves, Daniel remembered that she was the owner of the place. Looking back over at the blonde and just smiled, thinking about taking a moment to go and talk to her...especially if she was working the bar. Coming out of his lost moment, Daniel looked to Ewan and smiled. "I think I am going to go get a drink, want anything?"

    @ elijah mikaelson;
    February 16th, 2016 at 02:45am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan looked at Daniel and nodded his head, "A beer is fine." He told Daniel and smiled towards him.. "Thanks man." He said watching him disappear. He took and saw the restaurant owner coming around table to table. When she stopped at theirs he couldn't help but to grin a little. She was a lot hotter up close. Her long brunette hair, and her beautiful tanned skin. She definitely had caught his eye and his attention. "Are you the owner?" He asked her as she stopped right in front of him. "If so, this is a very great place." He complimented her place.
    Glancing up from making the final drink that had been ordered. Ally noticed her favorite actor of all time standing in front of the bar, "Oh my word." She elbowed Adam and smiled towards Daniel. "For a country singer, Alls, you sure do act like a fan girl." He chuckled going to get someone else's order. Ally smiled at Daniel as she stood there, "What can I get you sir?" She asked him and smiled.
    February 16th, 2016 at 03:33pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ elijah mikaelson;
    Katie walked by smiling at the customers as she checked to make sure they were enjoying their evening. When she saw the table with Robert, Ian, Nikki, and Ewan. She couldn't help but smile a little. She walked over to their table with a smile on her face. When Ewan began talking to her, Katie stopped to talk to him. "Yes I am." She said, answering his question if she was the owner. She smiled even brighter when he gave her the compliment. "Well I am glad you're enjoying yourself."

    Daniel made his way over to the bar and smiled when he saw the cute girl working the bar. He gave her a charming smile as he stood there at the counter looking at her. He could tell by the way she was acting, she was in fact a fan. But the thing with her was that she wasn't one of those annoying fans that work freak out. "Hi." He said with a smile. "I'll take two beers please."
    February 16th, 2016 at 08:12pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Ewan smiled at Katie as he nodded his head to her. "You're quiet welcome." He told her and smiled. He took and saw Nikki begin to talk with the owner as he smiled. She was really something. He took and cleared his throat as the waiter placed their food down. He smiled at Katie as he took and noticed her chatting away. He saw her wave good bye as she walked off. He saw the look on Robert's face and shook his head. Of course he was attracted to her. She was absolutely gorgeous, and a kind hearted woman. He took and saw Daniel flirting with the woman behind the bar and grinned to himself.
    Ally smiled at Daniel and popped the caps off the two beers and sat them down in front of him, "There you are sir." She smiled at him as she took and tossed the caps away. She wiped her hands seeing that they were slowing down. She told Adam she'd be back as she walked out from behind the bar and into the back to get something to eat from Marcus.
    February 16th, 2016 at 09:00pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ elijah mikaelson;
    Making her way back into the kitchen, Katie checked on the food order for the table where Ewan and all of them were. When she heard that their appetizers were finishing up, Karie volunteered herself to take them out. Once they were ready, she grabbed a serving tray and placed all the appetizer items on there. She was truly a pro at the whole restaurant stuff. She had the waitressing down pat as well since she was a waitress in high school and college. Graciously walking back to their table, a small smile spread across Katie's face. "Here you go." She announced as she placed the different appetizers on the table. "Your entrees will be up shortly." She said as she stood there. "Do you need anything else?" She asked kindly.

    Daniel smiled at Ally when she handed him the two beers. "Thank you love." He grinned as he picked up both bottles of beers. He then nodded to her before going back to the table. A slightly big grin went across his face as he watched his dear friends, Ewan AND Robert, eye the owner of the restaurant. Being a little amused at this, Daniel just shook his head before approaching the table. "Here you go man." He said to Ewan as he placed his newly owned beer in front of him. He then smiled at Katie before she walked away. "She's truly a looker." He commented seeing Ewan glance at her. He then looked back towards the bar seeing that the blonde girl behind the bar hadn't returned yet. When Katie returned with the appetizers, he smiled at her and then looked at Ewan once she walked away again.
    February 17th, 2016 at 02:50am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Ewan shook his head in a no manner, "No thank you. Thank you for asking though." He replied to her and stood up. "So this might be straight forwarded and all. But when do you close tonight?" He questioned and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I mean, i'd like to buy you a drink if you don't mind." He told her.

    Ally smiled and finished eating the food Marcus had made her. She sure had missed the food. She placed her plate in the sink and walked back out to the bar. She saw Adam hand her the martini glass and giggled lightly. "Thanks." She replied taking a sip of it and getting back to helping him. She couldn't wait to hang out with Katie and catch her up on things and get caught up on things as well.
    February 17th, 2016 at 06:00pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie was a little surprised by this. She couldn't help but smile though. She had to think about it because she was in fact having a girls night with Ally. Looking at him, Katie put a sweet, sincere look on her face. "I'd love that, just hold on for a moment." She said as she politely excused herself. She made her way over to the bar where she saw Ally enjoying a martini. "I see you're enjoying yourself." She laughed lightly. "Ally...um...we have a slight dilemma." She said as she looked at her best friend.

    Daniel watched Ewan as he asked Katie to go out for drinks. When Katie walked away, Daniel looked at him with an impressed look on his face. "Man, that was rather impressive." He chuckled. "I hope she comes back and says yes." He then looked over at the bar seeing the blonde girl was back and of course the brunette talking to her. Looking to Ewan once more, Daniel grinned. "They must either be sisters or best friends." He chuckled.

    @ elijah mikaelson;
    February 17th, 2016 at 06:20pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Ewan nodded his head to Daniel, "Must be." He chuckled watching the two women together. He saw them chatting and using their hands and fingers. He kind of chuckled lightly watching them.

    Ally looked at Katie, "What's wrong?" She asked as she heard Katie speak of Ewan asking her out. She grinned shaking it off, "Go for it. I know how much you adore him." She winked at Katie smiling. "We can hang out tomorrow or something it's no big deal." She assured Katie.
    February 18th, 2016 at 01:48am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Katie looked at Ally and smiled brightly. "Are you sure?" She asked her best friend. She didn't want to upset her so she wanted to be extra sure that she was okay with this. When Ally kept telling her it was okay and go have fun,Katie just grinned. She then hugged Ally before going into the kitchen. She helped the kitchen, grabbing their food before taking it to the table. "Here you guys go." She smiled as she placed down the food in front of each of them. She then looked over at Ewan. "I'd love to go out after this." She smiled.

    Daniel watched as the two girls continued talking. When he saw Katie coming, he turned to Ewan and just grinned. "Here comes Little Miss Attractive Owner now." He said, teasing Ewan a little. He then thanked Katie as she placed the food in front of him. Seeing Ally back at the bar, Daniel just grinned. He thought about being brave like Ewan and ask Ally to dinner or something, but he wasn't sure if she would say yes or not.

    @ elijah mikaelson;
    February 18th, 2016 at 07:15am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie

    Ewan smiled at Katie and nodded his head, "After you get done here. We'll head to a local pub I like." Ewan smiled at her as he took and grinned a little. Something about her he couldn't help himself. She seemed so, amazing. He grinned to himself taking a bite of his food.
    Ally sung lightly to one of her new songs she'd just released as she saw Adam singing along with her as they worked. "Right now he's probably slow dancing with a bleached-blond tramp,
    And she's probably getting frisky...
    Right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink
    'Cause she can't shoot whiskey...
    Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool stick,
    Showing her how to shoot a combo...

    And he don't know...." She giggled swaying her hips lightly as she sang with Adam. She smiled watching Katie talk to her long time celebrity crush as she giggled to herself lightly.
    February 20th, 2016 at 10:47pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ elijah mikaelson;
    Katie smiled looking at Ewan. "Great I'll see you soon." She smiled as she checked to make sure everyone was satisfied. She politely excused herself before heading back to the kitchen. She checked on other customers throughout the night, but she was so ready for the evening to end. She walked back over to the bar checking on things there as well before going into her office.

    Daniel looked over at the bar once more, smiling. He looked to the others at the table before getting up. He made his way over to the bar, smiling as he looked at Ally. "So I've got a question for you. I've been wanting to ask you all night, but wasn't quite sure how to tell you." He said, grinning once again. "Would you like to go out some time?"
    February 21st, 2016 at 03:54am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan took and watched Daniel go over to the bar. He knew what he was doing. The same thing he'd just done. He took and looked at the face of the woman and grinned to himself. He looked her up real quick and to his surprise what he found out. She was a country singer. Alyssa Jackson, 27, Born and raised in Nashville Tennessee. Daughter of famous country singer, Alan Jackson. He chuckled to himself seeing Ian eyeing him rather funny. "That girl he's talking too. Is a famous country singer's daughter, and famous herself. It should be rather interesting." He informed his pals. He looked at his phone checking the time. He couldn't wait to take Katie out. She seemed nice and sweet. Something he was most certainly looking for in a woman.

    Staring at him like a deer in headlights. Her thoughts nor words wanted to come out of her mouth. She just stared as she shook her head getting herself out of the trance. Was he for real right now? "Um..." She replied before a huge smile formed into her lips. "Yes, i'd like that actually." She replied smiling at him. "I'll be leaving when Katie does. Seeing as your friend asked her out. Making me free tonight." She smiled beamingly. "So yes." She said again nervous as she giggled lightly.
    February 21st, 2016 at 06:34pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    (Sorry I have been caught up doing a conference at my work, so I haven't had time to reply to this. Thank you for your patience.)

    Katie continued to work in her office making sure everything was set before stepping out of her office. She made her way into the kitchen making sure Marcus was good before going to check on everyone else. At the end of the night, Katie was watching as the last bit of customers filed out of the restaurant. She just smiled seeing how satisfied they were. It truly warmed her heart as she overheard everyone talking about what good tips they got as well as how good of a night they had. She turned to see Ally talking with Daniel. She then sat at the bar looking over some final things with the books.

    Throughout the rest of the night, Daniel talked to Ally. He wanted to get to know more about her, and just spend time with her. When she had told him earlier that she was free since her friend Katie was being taken out by Ewan, Daniel couldn't help but smile a little. He knew he was very lucky to be able to get this chance so quickly and easily. At the end of the night, Daniel made his way over to the bar and smiled at Ally. "Hello darling." He said in his charming accent as well as giving a charming smile. "Are you ready for an adventure?"
    February 26th, 2016 at 12:55am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled as he walked over to where Katie was sitting at the bar with a book. He took and went over and smiled at her as he lent in beside of her, "Almost finished love?" He questioned as he smiled. He was really looking forward to this. To a opportunity at getting to know this beautiful woman.

    Ally glanced up from her phone and smiled at Daniel nodding her head. She grabbed her sweater and slipped into it walking out from behind the bar as she waved to Katie before leaving with Daniel. "So Daniel tell me something. What took and made you decide on going into the acting business?" She questioned him.
    March 5th, 2016 at 11:05pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ elijah mikaelson;
    Katie was lost in the land of work as she finished going over the books when Ewan walked over. Looking at him, she smiled before nodding a little. "Yeah, I just need to finish writing out something and then I'll be good to go." She said as she quickly jotted something on the paper. Once that was done, she closed the binder then got up. Walking behind the bar, Katie placed the binder in a cabinet before turning to Adam. "Thank you for being the best...like always. I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she grabbed her belongings. "Alright, lets go." She told Ewan with a small smile.

    Daniel looked back at Katie and Ewan, giving them a nod and smile before heading out the restaurant with Ally. Looking over towards her, Daniel couldn't help but take a moment to admire her. She was turning a beautiful woman and he was felt rather lucky to get this opportunity to have a nice evening with her. When he heard her ask about what made him go into the acting business, he had to think about it for a moment. Looking directly at her, Daniel smiled once more. "Well...the acting business is extraordinary. I truly love the idea of getting to explore the different roles that an actor can get." He said, knowing what he said was super cheesy and probably the most typical answer an actor would say." He chuckled.
    March 7th, 2016 at 06:21am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Ewan smiled offering his arm to her. Once she accepted he walked out of the restaurant with her and smiled at her. He walked the streets with her as he smiled. "So I hope you like quiet, carriage rides?" He offered. That was what he had planned for her. So he could truly get to know her better. Something about her, made him want to know her a lot better than what he did right at this moment.

    Katie grinned at him, "Actually that is a very good answer." She smiled at him. "I mean you get to become a different person when the camera begins. It sounds really exciting." She smiled at him as her southern accent lingered on some of her words. She smiled walking along side of him.
    March 14th, 2016 at 11:22am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ elijah mikaelson;
    Katie's fact lit up in excitement when he asked if she liked carriage rides. Of course she did, that was something she always wanted to do. "I love carriage rides." She admitted as she walked the streets with him. Just for this small moment together, Katie knew that she wanted to get to know Ewan more as a person rather than someone she has seen in movies. Keeping quiet, Katie just looked around, not quite sure what to say. When it came to guys and dating, Katie was always super quiet and somewhat shy until she finally opened up.

    Daniel chuckled a little and smiled. "It truly is exciting." He admitted as he listened to her talk. He couldn't help but grin, thinking about how cute Ally was with her little southern accent. He chuckled a little, looking around at their surroundings and smiled. Glancing to Ally again, Daniel grinned. "You know Ally, that accent of yours is pretty cute." He told her, seeing her cheeks turn a slight red color.
    March 19th, 2016 at 12:16am