Drops of Jupiter

  • @ The Joker;
    "Oh so the entire band lives here?" Krissy asked remembering there was about four of them. She bit her lip that had to be nearly as frustrated as the bus. He walked to the other side and opened her door. She slipped out her body pressing to his as she looked up at him. She sighed and placed her hands on his chest. "Alright." she said and kissed his cheek. She took his hand as they walked through the house but let him go as they got outside and the army of children tackled him to the ground. She chuckled softly watching him with a huge smile on her face. Krissy grinned as they all rolled around on the grass. She felt hot stares on her neck and she looked over catching Danny's eyes and she blushed and looked back at Neil. Neil defiantly hadn't told him. She just hoped they would be able to get through the night without incident. She could tell he was angry though she didn't know why. Once he was sone with her he had tossed her aside. Neil had used that opportunity to steal her away and he had defiantly swept her off her feet. He was the perfect boyfriend and they weren't even officially dating yet.
    February 13th, 2017 at 06:56am
  • Neil finally got up when all the kids ran off to the guy that was bringing the moon bounce back. He looked over at where he had seen Krissy look and saw Danny sitting there. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and groaned quietly. He had completely forgotten that he didn't tell Danny about him and Krissy getting to know each other.

    Danny got up out of his chair and walked over to where Krissy was as the guy setting up the moon bounce called Neil over to him. He walked up to her and smirked a bit as his eyes ran over her body. "You want a tour of the house, sweetheart?" he asked her as he stepped closer to her. She looked extra beautiful today and he'd love to be able to have his way with her.
    February 13th, 2017 at 06:06pm
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled at Neil and bit her lip as he was called to go help. She stood there watching him until she sat Danny. She looked up at him and blushed. "Hi Danny." she said and rubbed her arm. "Uhh yeah sure a tour would be nice. Let's just grab Neil and you two can show me around." she said and smiled at him knowing better than to be alone with Danny. He had to much of an influence over her. "It is nice to see you again." she said and then looked over at Neil. "Perhaps he needs some help let me go see what I can do." she said and touched Danny's arm before skirting around him and walking over to Neil. "Hey everything alright? Need any help?" she asked over the sound go the generator blowing up the bounce house. She smiled remembering the last time she had been in a bounce house. It had been super fun and it had been way to long. Perhaps she could get Neil in there by the end of the night. That would be fun.
    February 13th, 2017 at 07:43pm
  • Danny stared after her in complete shock. No woman had ever turned him down before. And for Neil? Something wasn't right. He frowned and walked inside, going to see if he found find something quick to eat or some liquor. They hadn't been there in awhile so he didn't know if it was stocked.

    Neil looked over at Krissy and smiled lightly, shaking his head. "I told you. Your job is to sit there and look pretty. Let us manly men handle it," he joked as he flexed his muscles. He didn't want her to worry about anything going on there and he really wanted her to mingle with everybody that way they could all get to know her and she could get the introductions with his sisters out of the way. That was really the most important part of the day.
    February 13th, 2017 at 11:16pm
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy chuckled and shook her head as he flexed. She bit her lip and turned looking at the staring faces. She didn't know who was who or how to introduce herself to them. Was she Nails date? Or should she insulate something more? "Okay. I'm going to go get a drink." she said and kissed his cheek. "Be safe manly man." she said and giggled. If something went wrong between his family and her she was going to blame him. She put on a smile and walked over to the open bar. She looked at the sodas and teas and lemonades wishing just a little that there was something with a little more punch to it. She chose a tea then turned and looked around at those watching her. She was guessing those were Neil's family. She smiled and picked the least threatening looking girl with a smile and walked over to her. "Hello I'm Krissy. I'm Neil's date." she said and smiled softly feeling really nervous.
    February 14th, 2017 at 12:06am
  • Maria looked up from the conversation with her sister and looked up, arching a brow at the girl. This was the girl that Neil had shown up with and she was very curious. They were all so protective of him before he was the youngest and they just wanted what was best for him. "Hello, Krissy. I'm Maria and that's Michelle, Brandon, Alycia, and Lola," she said while pointing at each of their siblings causing them all to wave. She had left out the one brother since he wasn't around and she didn't mind.

    Neil watched as Krissy interacted with his sister and his brothers. His heart was beating a mile a minute from not knowing what was going on between all of them. He was nervous, to say the least. And he was hoping Danny didn't tell them about the night he met her.
    February 14th, 2017 at 04:14am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled and waved back to each sister and brother. She grinned at Maria. "It's nice to meet you all finally. Neil has been talking about you all so much. He really loves you all and it's obvious the kids adore him." she said looking over him and catching his eyes. She blushed and waved gently. Krissy looked back at Maria. "You must all be very proud of him for following his dream and succeeding at it." she said and sipped her drink.
    February 14th, 2017 at 05:52am
  • Maria shrugged a shoulder lightly as she smiled over at Krissy. "We're all more than proud of Neil. He's the only one of us to be making as much money as he is," she teased, throwing a wink over at her brother. "How long have you two known each other?" she asked, her eyebrows raising curiously. She wanted to figure out as much as she could about these two, needing to find out if she had a hidden agenda and was after him for his money.
    February 14th, 2017 at 06:34am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy blushed and nodded a bit uncomfortably as they talked about money. She could see how people might think she was fishing for a wealthy man to take care of her but she didn't like to sit still look pretty, she liked to help people and plan events. She rather do that then the marketing she was in but she didn't have the ability to start her own cliental and get the business she wanted up and going. "We meet a few days ago, after his concert really. He asked me for his number and well he's so handsome and I really like his drumming so of course I gave it to him." she chuckled. "Everyday since we talk." she said being honest. "I guess it makes me fell like I know him more than I do. Neil is amazing." she said and blushed. She could have answered the question simply but she just didn't think that would have conveyed how she really felt. She felt like she had known Neil so much longer than a few days. It was nearly a week in all honesty but still it seemed longer. "Neil mentioned your parents went on vacation? Are they enjoying their time... umm I never did ask where they went." she said and chuckled. She felt like she was rambling a bit now her nerves showing a little.
    February 14th, 2017 at 06:44am
  • Maria nodded her head slowly at the words that Krissy had spoken. It sounded a lot like she cared for her brother and that was all she wanted. But she was still unsure about the girl and would be until she got to know her better. "Yeah, they're in Bora Bora. Neil sent them there for a wedding anniversary," she smiled.

    Neil suddenly walked over to where Krissy and Maria were once he finished with the moon bounce. He stood there looking between the two of them before he spoke. "So, what are we talking about over here?" he chuckled nervously.
    February 14th, 2017 at 06:50am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy nearly melted before Maria's eyes. "Aww." she said and smiled looking over at Neil then back at Maria. "That is the sweetest thing. It would be a thing Neil would do." she said and smiled then looked up as Neil walked over and she giggled blushing. "Would it be to corny for me to say you?" she asked and leaned into his side easily. "No we were talking about were your parents went on vacation." she said and bit her lip looking up at him. "That was really sweet." she whispered softly her eyes looking adoringly at him.
    February 14th, 2017 at 06:56am
  • Neil shrugged a shoulder lightly as he looked down at Krissy. "It's the least I could do for them for raising me," he smiled and wrapped his arm around her. He looked over at Maria and noticed that she had given him a very short and quick unnoticeable nod which let him know that she approved. He wouldn't know about anyone else until they talked to Krissy but the fact that his oldest sister liked her meant that the rest of them would most likely like her. Which made his heart swell at the thought.
    February 15th, 2017 at 12:12am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled at Neil. "Well regardless it was sweet." she said and kissed his cheek enjoying how his arm wrapped over her shoulder. "Are you thirty?" she asked. He had been working hard and it was his own party. "You want a tea or something?" she asked wanting to make sure he was taken care of. Krissy was happy that Neil was here by her side now. It made her feel much calmer. She felt like she needed to prove something around his family but in an odd way also to him. She didn't know what that could be that she was suppose to prove.
    February 15th, 2017 at 07:01am
  • @ Jinx...
    Neil shook his head in response to her and leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on her hips. "I'm just fine. You don't have to worry about me, gorgeous," he chuckled. He started to steer her toward the house, wanting to show her around since he realized he hadn't already. "No one has shown you around yet, have they?"

    Danny stumbled into Neil as he was walking out of the house. He glared daggers at the drummer and pushed his shoulder as he passed him before turning to face him. "How do my sloppy seconds taste, Neil? Is she as good in bed as she was with me?"
    February 16th, 2017 at 12:36am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy smiled at Neil as he said not to worry. He kissed her and she blushed. She hadn't thought that their first kiss would be in front of his family. She walked with him towards the house. "No I haven't seen your place yet." she said and smiled softly. They started to walk into the house and came across Danny who seemed drunk already. She frowned at what he said. "Danny." she hissed and hugged her arms to her middle. "Stop. It's none of your business what is going on between Neil and I. What happened between us is the past." she said. Krissy frowned blushing in embarrassment hoping no one was overhearing this. She really didn't want to be the reason Danny and Neil fought. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea.
    February 16th, 2017 at 02:12am
  • Neil rolled his eyes at what Danny said and led Krissy into the house, not wanting to get into things with Danny. He really wasn't in the mood and he'd talk to him about it later when his friend wasn't drunk. As much as he loved his friends, he hated arguing with them. Especially over a female. Nothing was worth losing a friend over. "I'll show you to my room."
    February 16th, 2017 at 02:52am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy nodded. She didn't look all that excited like she did a little while ago though. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts. Krissy knew if Danny couldn't deal with her and Neil together she could very easily loose Neil. She hated that could happen but she didn't want to put a wedge between Neil and Danny for the band's sake. "I'm sorry Neil..." she said once they got to his room. "If I had met you first none of this would have happened." she said softly. "And now..." she shook her head not going to admit that because she slept with Danny she might have missed out on the best thing in her life.
    February 16th, 2017 at 03:05am
  • Neil rolled his eyes, not at her but at Danny. "Don't ever apologize. Danny is just drunk and he's a very angry drunk depending on how deep in he is. When we talk about it tomorrow, he'll be okay with everything," he sighed.He knew how his best friend could be but he would talk to him and he should be fine with everything. He just really wanted his friend to be okay with him being happy because if he wasn't than things wouldn't be able to work out with him and Krissy. He was really starting to fall for her.

    @ Jinx...
    February 16th, 2017 at 03:13am
  • @ The Joker;
    Krissy looked up at him. "I hope so." she said and hugged him hiding her face in his chest. Krissy sighed. "Because I don't want to loose you when I just got you but I would never come between you and Danny like that." she said and looked up at him. "You know he's wrong though right? You're not getting seconds. You are getting everything he didn't." she said softly and then pulled back hoping that this delicate situation was over for now. "Do you think Danny will say anymore with your family around?" she asked feeling really nervous about them finding out before they had a chance to get to know her.
    February 16th, 2017 at 03:38am
  • Neil shook his head in response to her question. "He won't. If you just ignore him, he should be fine. And I don't think any of my family heard what he said or else they'd most likely be leaving or over here telling you off," he chuckled nervously as he wrapped his arms back around Krissy, pulling her against his chest.

    Little did Neil know though, his sister Maria had in fact heard what Danny said and was off to the side talking to him to see what happened between the two. Danny was telling her exactly what went down at the concert and how easy she was to get in bed and how he thought that she was a groupie, not realizing it would jeopardize things for them.
    February 16th, 2017 at 04:14am