
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    s p e e c h l e s s
    A romance/drama roleplay centered around Mark Fischbach and an OC girl, written by Dezzy and Paula
    April 19th, 2016 at 04:19am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I had waited my whole life for this. Or at least, my whole career. This could really get my foot in the door. I looked myself up and down in the mirror, tearing my outfit apart for what felt like the 20th time. Marzia, Felix's girlfriend, had recently followed me on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube, and just last night she invited me to her house warming party! I was so excited, I hadn't been able to bust past 1 million subscribers yet. And it'd been a whole 5 years of making content... I guess it was a little hard, being a freshly 21 year old woman, trying to incorporate gaming and makeup together on one channel. But that was what I was passionate about. Females could be great at video games and look fabulous too.

    Everyone was going to be there and I wanted to make a good impression. Ken, Dashie, Felix, the Game Grumps,.... I chewed on my lip and ran my fingers through my hair. This sweetheart, white neckline dress just wasn't cutting it. It was to elegant, I was going to a birthday party and I didn't want to upstage Marzia. I needed to dress down.

    I settled on black ripped jeans that were cuffed at the ends, a thin knitted gray hoodie and a red slouchy beanie. I even kept my makeup simple, which was a real shocker. Just a simple winged eyeliner look. It was enough to make my blue eyes pop out, and the nude lip I picked out made my pouty, full lips look even a bit bigger. I looked at the clock and dropped everything back into my make up bag. I didn't have anymore time, if I didn't hurry up, I was going to be late.


    "I'm here!" I smiled and hurried into the backyard of Felix and Marzia's new home. It was gorgeous and huge. It had an iron rod fence, and gorgeous shrubbery keeping it all blocked in and private. The backyard was huge with a 50ft deep pool. It was decorated in all shades of pink for her birthday, too. Streamers and balloons were everywhere, indie rock music was playing just loudly enough to where you could hear it in every part of the yard, but quiet enough where you could hear what everyone was saying.

    "Whose this?" Felix looked up, obviously confused.

    Ouch, that was kind of embarrassing. I pushed my black bangs out of my eyes and tucked them behind my ears as Marzia looked up from shaking a birthday gift and smiled. "Ci, you made it!" She squeaked in her adorable accent. "This is my newest friend, she's also a youtuber!"

    "Oh." He nodded and smiled, "Well, welcome then!"

    Marzia came over and grabbed my elbow gently, "Let me introduce you to everyone!"

    Being pulled away from the table full of gifts, she led me to the pool where a few guys and a few girls were either relaxing by the pool or playing in it. They all looked like they were already so comfortable with each other and having so much fun.

    "Okay, some uhm, this is Bunny-" Marzia pointed to a girl just as pale as myself, who had incredibly long blonde hair thrown up on her head and piercing blue eyes. I felt my heart stop.

    "I-I know, Graveyard Girl! I love your videos." I sounded and felt like the biggest idiot in my life.

    "Oh, thank you so much!"

    I should've known she'd be here, I've watched plenty of her videos where her and Marzia had sent each other things back and forth.

    "And this is Ken, and that's Matt, and ... the other Matt, and Ryan and Brian, and...." Marzia went down the list of people who were already here, pointing at each of them until she got to the nerdiest looking one in the bunch.

    He was tan, short, but a little muscular, and was rocking a faux hawk and cute pair of thin glasses. His eyes were a deep shade of brown, almost black and I felt my face getting hotter the more I stared at him. I recognized him. He had just hit a milestone of 6 million subscribers and had just moved out here to LA. I had been subscribed to him since he had just 200,000. His channel had grown so much.

    "I'm Mark." He cut Marzia off with a bit of a laugh and I felt my hands getting sweaty. I never thought I'd meet him. I felt like such a fan girl standing here with all these popular guys and girls, but he really made me feel like an ant.

    "Hi..." I managed to force it out and smiled, "I'm Ci."
    April 19th, 2016 at 04:48am
  • black panther;

    black panther; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Felix and I had been friends for a long time now, and this was the third time I've been to one of Marzia's parties. Last year it had a light blue theme, but this year.. Let's just say I didn't know you could get a color of pink that bright that it could hurt my eyes.

    Reaching a milestone of 6 million subscribers was a massive shock to me - I never thought in a million years I'd get that many. I remember when I was just starting, and I didn't have a clue about lighting or recording gameplay. Everyone else wasn't doing too bad with their Youtube Channels either. Felix has obtained an amount that I don't think I'll be able to count to - it was some ridiculous but amazing set of numbers.

    My arms were crossed against my chest, as I found myself laughing at Ken being pushed into the pool by Ryan. My gaze went over the two squabbling people, splashing water at each other with the biggest smiles on their faces.

    I heard Marzia talking to a voice I didn't recall, as I looked over at the table of gifts, and saw Marzia and another female approach. My lips parted slightly as she came into view, as I blinked a few times behind my glasses... Luckily she was looking at Felix and being introduced to everyone and didn't see my reaction.

    "Well, Hi Ci! You're a Youtuber? What's your channel name - I've got internet on my phone so I might as well subscribe."

    I said with the biggest grin on my face, holding my phone out in my hand. I loved helping people on Youtube - be it normal advise to smaller channels to collaborations with other channels. I just loved the community of Youtube, that I just want to help everyone.

    "Did you want a drink? I think they've got soda, water, and some kind of cocktail concoction."

    (((I'm sorry this is short - work really has taken it out of me today!! I'll promise more lengthy replies when I feel awake)))
    April 20th, 2016 at 07:43pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I rubbed my neck and blushed as I found my channel for him on his Youtube app. I felt like a loser, having not even hit 1 million yet, and everyone here having well beyond that. I was about six-hundred thousand behind from hitting it. So close, but at the same time far away.

    "There it is..." I bit my lip and looked away from him, "A cocktail does sound good right about now." I let out a small chuckle.

    I looked around the rest of the party and frowned, leaving Mark for a few seconds to look through my channel. It was tough trying to do SFX make up and gaming on one channel, but I didn't want separate channels. And I was so passionate about it that I couldn't give up one on of them.

    It wasn't helping that he was so much more gorgeous in person. He was perfect. It was kind of making me really, really nervous. That cocktail would definitely help me loosen up.

    (It's okay, I'm much more of a casual roleplayer. :))
    April 22nd, 2016 at 04:07pm